Comment Forum

Friday Poll and Comment Forum: Brewers v. Diamondbacks

Having arrived in the playoffs, with a home field advantage against Arizona, how will Milwaukee do? My prediction: Brewers in 4. What do you think? I’ve a poll and forum for comments below. The post will remain open until Sunday morning. Comments will be moderated against profanity and trolls; otherwise, have at it. NLDS: Brewers…

Weekend Poll and Comment Forum: Packers’ Season

The season’s underway, but how do you think it will end? Here’s a poll, with three possible endings for the Packers: win the division, win the NFC, win the Super Bowl. How will the Packers season end? Comments will be moderated against profanity and trolls; otherwise have at it. This post will be open until…

Weekend Poll and Comment Forum: Merchants’ bans on politicians

Reason‘s Nanny of the Month for August 2011 features something different this month: a ban Reason supports. In Michigan, private tavern owners are banning public legislators over an anti-smoking law they say is killing their businesses. Patronage has plummeted, and the barkeeps have decided to strike back by excluding those who have hurt their taverns’…

Weekend Poll and Comment Forum: Who Benefits Most from a Strong Third-Party Challenge in 2012?

There’s much talk about the possibility of a third-party candidate in 2012. What would a third-party candidate (not of the Libertarian Party, necessarily, but more of a protest-celebrity candidacy, e.g., Sarah Palin) mean for the 2012 general election? Naturally, the LP’s executive director expresses umbrage at the assumption that there’s not already a viable third-party…

Friday Poll and Comment Forum: Cats or Dogs?

Here’s a question that I’ve not yet offered, and that’s overdue: Cats or Dogs? FREE WHITEWATER has catblogging, but no dogblogging. Generally, I’d pick cats, recognizing that a good dog counts for a lot, even if cats are particularly fascinating (and worthily independent). So, for me, cats over dogs, but not by much — just…

Friday Poll and Comment Forum: Food Truck Edition

So should a city be able to ban — or effective ban by severe restrictions — food trucks in a town (as Atlanta has done with street vendors)? What do you think? Here’s a poll, for those who’d like to participate by voting, and below is a comment forum for opinions expressed that way. Food…

Friday Comment Forum: Should Whitewater Create Discover Its Own Chupacabra, Lake Monster, Giant Ape, Etc.?

All across America, and even in nearby Juneau County, people are claiming to find mysterious creatures, and garnering publicity for their communities. There’s a particular craze for chupacabras, legendary blood-sucking animals about the size of a dog. See, Why Can’t Whitewater Publicize Its Own Chupacabra, Lake Monster, Giant Ape, Etc.? and a follow-up post, See…

Friday Comment Forum: What have you read this summer?

So, what are you reading this summer? I’m still finishing The Art of Racing in the Rain, having put it aside for a bit, for sundry other tasks. For newspapers, other than those in Wisconsin, I’m spending more time at the Washington Post website, to read about debt-ceiling negotiations. I read the Wall Street Journal…

Weekend Poll and Comment Forum: State Budget

The Wisconsin Biennial budget is on its way to the governor.  So what do you think: do you favor or oppose? See, Senate sends budget to Walker for signature, but effects already being felt and Senate OK’d budget goes to Walker: Aside from changes to the school voucher program, the state budget approved Thursday by the…

Weekend Poll and Comment Forum: Eagerly-Awaited Summer Films

Summer offers all sorts of outdoor adventures, but also the indoor adventure found in watching blockbuster films. Fall may be the season for harvesting crops, but summer is the season for reaping big films. (It’s been this way for a generation, at least since the mid-seventies. One often hears that Jaws started this trend, and…

Weekend Comment Forum: Arizona-Style Immigration Restrictions

Rep. Don Pridemore of Hartford has introduced a bill backing Arizona-style immigration legislation. Here’s how Pridemore describes his legislation: An individual who has first broken the law, and then fails to prove his or her lawful presence in the U.S., may be held for up to 48 hours. During that time the person will be…