Downtown Whitewater 2013/2014 Board of Directors Nomination Form

Please see a Downtown Whitewater 2013/2014 Board of Directors Nomination Form:

The Downtown Whitewater, Inc. Board of Directors is the legal entity responsible for overseeing Whitewater’s downtown revitalization program under the guidance of the Wisconsin Main Street Program, including the budget, staff, and program effectiveness.

We are currently seeking nominations to fill five seats of the eleven-seat board.

What you should know

The board is a decisive, action-oriented group of individuals that recognizes that each Whitewater community member is a stakeholder in the downtown revitalization process. Board members must be willing to:

  • Understand and promote the Downtown Whitewater mission and goals.
  • Contribute knowledge, effort, time, and/or labor to downtown revitalization.
  • Attend board meetings on a regular basis and commit to a two-year term.
  • Actively participate and be member in one of the standing committees: Promotions, Economic Restructuring, Design or Organization.
  • Promote unity within the group and seek to resolve internal conflict.
  • Support board decisions even when he or she disagrees with the majority.
  • Offer opinions honestly, constructively, and without reservation.
  • Help the board stay focused on the “Action Plan” and discourage it from being distracted by secondary issues or projects not included in the plan.
  • Actively seek additional participation of all forms; encourage new members and input in the downtown revitalization process; recruit new board members.

Nominations and election process

Nominations: Any Whitewater community member, business owner, or property owner may nominate a qualified individual (see details) by Thursday, February 14, 2013 at 5 PM.

Elections: Individuals nominated will be contacted and asked to submit a brief bio listing their interest in the downtown and possible resources and talents they have to contribute by Monday, February 25, 2013. This information will be sent via email to eligible voters and also available at the Downtown Whitewater office the week of March 4 – March 8, 2013. Ballots must be cast Thursday, March 14 between 6 PM & 9 PM during the Annual Member Meeting at Jessica’s Family Restaurant. Our new board members will be announced after all ballots are counted and verified and all new members notified. The first meeting for new board members will be on April 24, 2013.

Eligible voters include donors to Downtown Whitewater, active committee and board members, and those who sign an indication of interest form, available at Downtown Whitewater, Inc. or online at

Nominations due Thursday, February 14, at 5 PM. Return this form to Downtown Whitewater, send it to PO Box 688, or email it to

Nominations form

Please indicate your nominations for the following positions.

Two Downtown Business Owners

Nominees must own a business in the downtown district (see website for map).

name: _________________________ contact info: ______________________

name: _________________________ contact info: ______________________

Two Members-at-Large

Nominee must provide a point of view or experience not necessarily represented by other stakeholders.
name: _________________________ contact info: ______________________

name: _________________________ contact info: ______________________

One Downtown Property Owner

Nominee must be a local property owner
name:_________________________ contact info:______________________

2012 Downtown Whitewater, Inc. Board of Directors

Downtown Business Owner
Dennis Salverson (Coyote Grill)
Open (term expires: 03/2013)

Downtown Business Owner
Open (term expires: 03/2013)

Downtown Property Owner
Geoff Hale (Home Lumber)
Open (term expires: 03/2013)

Roni Telfer
Open (term expires: 3/2013)

Tyler Sailsbery (The Black Sheep)
Open (term expires: 03/2013)

Downtown Business Owner
Dave Saalsaa (Quiet Hut Sports)
(term expires: 03/2014)

Pete Hill
(term expires: 03/2014)

Glen Gebauer (Associated Bank)
(term expires: 03/2014)

Financial Representative
Nate Parrish (First Citizens State Bank)
(term expires: 03/2014)

UW-W Representative
Rob Boostrom (Asst. Professor)
(term expires: 03/2014)

Ex-Officio Cameron Clapper (Whitewater City Manager) 

Please see a printable or downloadable (in full size) version of the Nomination Form:

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