Reason’s 2012 Nanny of the Year

Below is a clip with scenes from Demolition Man (the film to which Balaker meant to refer) that depict violations of the ‘Verbal Morality Statute’ of that film.

(The film is rated R, and the supposed violations cited in the clip may be NSFW.)

Also posted at Daily Adams.

Whitewater note: I’ll get a message or two locally that I can’t post a video clip of actors using foul language. Actually, I can post a clip like that, and I have.

A few remarks: (1) Demolition Man is from 1993. Whatever troubles may have befallen America in the last twenty years’ time do not stem from this film. (2) Most of Whitewater is neither fragile nor squeamish; I’ll not pretend otherwise. (3) It’s a fun, if not serious, action film. (4) In any event, Sandra Bullock is fetching in uniform.

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