Sign of the (New Media) Times: From the Daily Planet to Blogging

Looks like Clark Kent’s had enough of working at the dead-tree Daily Planet. Metropolis is about to get a new blogger:

In the new issue of DC Comics’ Superman series, out tomorrow [that is, 10.23.12], Clark will stand up in front of staff in a “Jerry Maguire-type moment” which will see him resign from the Daily Planet and mourn “how journalism has given way to entertainment”, writer Scott Lobdell told USA Today.

Clark will also call on his fellow reporters to stand up for truth, justice, “and yeah — I’m not ashamed to say it — the American way,” said Lobdell.

No one should be surprised by this – America had in her earliest days a tradition of vigorous pamphleteering, and it’s toward an electronic version of that tradition to which the comic would be turning.

Via The Guardian.

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