More Americans in Dire Poverty, But There’s a Way Out

Disconcerting economic data have this advantage: they’re a useful reminder of work ahead, and a spur to greater zeal.

Best fiscal choices in times of poverty: spending cuts (beginning with elimination of leadership posts) to fund a reduction in taxes, return of most tax money to taxpayers and businesses, with second source of expense savings going to temporary assistance to the poor. It’s cut, return, support.

America will bounce back, but changing course will help us bounce back more quickly.

Anyone contending it’s business as usual in cities and towns across America is either confused or deceptive.

New census data paint a stark portrait of the nation’s haves and have-nots at a time when unemployment remains persistently high. It comes a week before the government releases first-ever economic data that will show more Hispanics, elderly and working-age poor have fallen into poverty.

See, full story from the Associated Press.

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