Monthly Archives: June 2011

The First Candidate

I regret not posting this press release sooner, as it mentions the Libertarian Party’s first candidate, Dr. John Hospers, who passed away recently ninety-three years of age:

John Hospers, first Libertarian presidential nominee, dies at 93

WASHINGTON – John Hospers, the Libertarian Party’s first presidential nominee in 1972, died on June 12, 2011 in Los Angeles, California at the age of 93.

Hospers became the Libertarian Party’s first nominee for U.S. President at its first national convention in Colorado on June 18, 1972. Hospers and his running mate, Tonie Nathan, each received one electoral vote in the 1972 election from Roger MacBride, a renegade elector in Virginia.

Hospers was a professor of philosophy at several universities, including the University of Southern California.

A brief biography is available at his website.

In 1971, he wrote the book Libertarianism – A Political Philosophy for Tomorrow, which described the libertarian political and economic philosophy.

Libertarian Party Chair Mark Hinkle said, “I’ve been involved with the Libertarian Party since voting for John Hospers for president in 1972. Dr. Hospers was very influential in the formative days of our party, and we will miss him.”

A photo of a 1972 Hospers campaign poster is available here.

Via Libertarian Party.


Raw Milk’s Not an Ordinary School Food

I have long favored raw milk as a choice for adults, and adults who choose it for their children.  It’s not, though, a food that’s ready for school children whose parents have not constented to its inclusion on a menu:

Laboratory test results show that the Campylobactor jejuni bacteria that caused diarrheal illness among 16 individuals who drank unpasteurized (raw) milk at a school event early this month in Raymond was the same bacteria strain found in unpasteurized milk produced at a local farm, according to officials from the Department of Health Services (DHS) and Western Racine County Health Department (WRCHD). A parent had supplied unpasteurized milk from the farm for the school event.

Unfortunately, an incident like this will be used to justify banning organic milk comprehensively and indiscriminately, even in America’s Dairyland.

SeeRaw milk source of campylobacter that sickens 16 in Wisconsin school.

Daily Bread for 6.21.11

Good morning.

It’s a day of thunderstorms with a high temperature of about eighty ahead for Whitewater.

It’s a busy day of public meetings in the Whippet City. At 4 p.m., Whitewater’s Community Development Authority meets (see, Community Development Authority 6.21.11 agenda). At 4:15, Whitewater’s Urban Forestry Commission meets (see, Urban Forestry 6.21.11 agenda).

Later, at 6:30 p.m., Common Council will be in session (see, Common Council 6.21.11 agenda).

Daily Bread for 6.20.11

Good morning.

It’s a cloudy day forecast for Whitewater, with a high temperature of seventy-seven, and a chance of thunderstorms.

There’s a Park & Recreation Board meeting today in Whitewater, at 4 p.m.  The meeting agenda is available online.

Today is the anniversary of a labor controversy from 1911, as the Wisconsin Historical Society recalls:

On this date Italian working men, employed by Andrus Asphalt Company in Madison, went on strike and threatened to kill their foreman if they did not receive an increase in wages for laying pavement. The men demanded a 25-cent (a day) raise, from $1.75 to $2.00. To learn more about strikes and the labor movement visit our Birth of the Labor Movement page in Turning Points. [Source: Bishops to Bootleggers: A Biographical Guide to Resurrection Cemetery, pg. 184]

Whitewater’s Different Search Strategies

While Whitewater’s police department has embarked on a traditional search strategy with a consulting firm, Whitewater’s school district is willing first to consider internal candidates in a backyard-search strategy.

Will the different methods produce results different in candidate quality? Thats hard to knoww, although a national search should yield a stronger field.

Officials and Notice of Departure

A few quick remarks on officials and giving notice of departure.  An official who’s not very good, just struggling along, will give ample notice (both implicit and explicit) of a departure.

Here’s how to tell: the official will have been a second or third choice initially, will try unsuccessfully for years to leave (being rejected elsewhere time and again), will have a reputation for being dull and delinquent, and will give notice as much because there’s nowhere else to go as any other reason.

It’s only a retiree or mediocrity who gives seven months’ notice.  By the time the official declares that notice, no one is surprised, of course: the years of wasting time, money, and others’ opportunities will already have been known in the community.

By contrast, a good administrator will always be in demand, and present an organization with a chance of departure for the many other places in which she’s likely to be in demand. Talented officials are always in demand, and well-known to national organizations that are searching for, and welcoming of, excellent candidates.

If Whitewater wants good officials, really excellent ones, she’ll have to get used to fighting to keep those officials from leaving for the exciting, competitive opportunities that are open to talented people.

Anyone who thinks that it’s better to have a mediocrity (who’s so undesirable that she can give a half years’s notice) over an excellent administrator (who will be in demand  nationally and so operate under a shorter notice of leave) is foolish.

It takes more work to keep a good administrator, but that work will always be worth the effort — as the community gets the continuing tenure of a good leader in return.


Keeping up with the Whitewater School District

Over at Walworth County Today and the Janesville Gazette, Kevin Hoffman has solid reporting on the Whitewater School District’s search for a new administrator.  It’s the best press coverage of the district available — Hoffman’s stories provide readers insight into the thinking of school board members.

His reporting is must-reading for information on the ongoing search, and other district news.

SeeWhitewater School Board to seek leader from within and

Scaling back cuts still an option for Whitewater.


Recent Tweets, 6.12 to 6.18

Indeed: State budget will force most school districts to cut property taxes – JSOnline
Insightful, revealing look at district: Whitewater School Board to seek leader from within — Walworth County Today
Selecting a new administrator – Whitewater Schools’ Coin Flip « FREE WHITEWATER
Weekend Poll and Comment Forum: State Budget « FREE WHITEWATER
Ruling w/ majority, Justice Prosser again demonstrates judicial independence for which Milwaukee Journal Sentinel profusely praised him
Buried inside WI banker admits bank took TARP $ didn’t need WI banks lag on TARP payments Marshfield News-Herald
Whitewater, WI Has No Reason to Worry About ‘No Child Left Behind’ Results | FREE WHITEWATER