Marquette Political Poll: Walker, Obama up slightly in Wisconsin

The first of Charles Franklin’s polls while visiting at Marquette is now available online : Walker and Obama have single digit leads in Marquette Law School Poll.

I’ll review the poll tonight, and post more tomorrow. The results are — at first glance — more disparate (and almost conflicting) than one might have expected, but these January results that show both Pres. Obama and Gov. Walker ahead in their respective races are not irreconcilable.

One point for now: Marquette’s published the results & data (instrument, methodology, and full topline results).

Blogger-lawyer Ed Garvey’s professed worry that these results would be leaked to Gov. Walker was, as I wrote yesterday, an incredible contention. Unless one defines publishing results for all the world as to see leaking them to Team Walker, there was never reason to believe that Franklin was a secret, polling-benefactor of the Walker Administration.

There’s also no need for Garvey to worry about public records access (public UW-Madison v. private Marquette) when private Marquette publishes comprehensive results.

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