Old Whitewater’s Addled Message

We’re in a transition in Whitewater, from one political culture to another. Years are yet to go in this metamorphosis, but signs of that transition are all round. Old Whitewater (a group, not a person; a state of mind, not a chronological age) is still on its feet, but it’s more stumbling than walking.

Reactionary Messaging

Let’s suppose that a city administration proposes (and a city council approves) money to subsidize a multi-billion-dollar corporation’s employee bus route. That city would be Whitewater, that corporation Generac.

After spending money like this, Old Whitewater did what it often does: simply describe the mistake in less embarrassing terms. Instead of the Generac Bus, one was supposed to call it the Innovation Express. The idea, of course, was that the bus was not merely, in effect, a gift to one business.

But this declining faction cannot even stick to a flimsy re-naming effort. Only a few weeks after the introduction of the new name, here was a published update in a weekly report admitting who’s really calling the shots:

“I had the opportunity to talk to Generac officials today and they are very pleased with the progress of the Innovation Express to date.”

Oh, brother! Imagine not being able to speak consistently with the talking point’s of one’s own creation. Naming a bus with a term that’s meant to show independence from a single corporation doesn’t work if one shows that the corporation’s opinion is the one that truly matters, as a first resort.

There’s Old Whitewater: less interested in being right than in grabbing at anything in a futile attempt to look right. It’s a mental tic – and shoddy policy — to grasp for support from any institutional authority one can find to justify a poor proposal. It’s a contradictory message, in this instance, too.

At least you know — it’s still really the Generac Bus.

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12 years ago

Adams, I think you’re wrong on this one. I am what you would call “Old Whitewater” and there isn’t a one of us who agrees this bus is a good idea. Thanks for the updates on the price. An absolute waste of taxpayer money for the benefit of one company. We hear of Buy Local – how about adding Hire Local to that.

12 years ago

Burke — Thanks much for reading, and for commenting.

Point well-taken.

You’re right – I see that I’m wrong to think that this is an idea that’s, so to speak, either Old or New. There’s no broad constituency for it, no matter how it’s described (and no matter how much those descriptions shift).

It’s reasonable to see this as something different – like something dropped in, rather than a proposal native to the city.

Much to my benefit to keep that in mind, when thinking about these topics.