Milwaukee County’s Immoral Utilitarianism: Update 8 (Shoddy Conditions at the Mental Health Complex)

There’s more, this morning, in the news about Milwaukee County’s Mental Health Complex. A MIlwaukee Journal Sentinel story reports on a state inspection of that county’s Mental Health Complex, revealing all manner of deficiencies. See, State inspectors’ reports find shoddy conditions at Mental Health Complex. Should anyone be surprised that the “[r]eport finds ‘ceilings, walls and floors in disrepair, broken fixtures, insufficient lighting, poor ventilation?”

John Chianelli has disgraced his profession, county, and state with a disordered policy that trades male on male violence for male on female sexual assault. For that alone, we should have been fired. It’s no surprise though, that a man who overlooks patient safety by implementing an immoral policy might also overlook basic needs of his facility and patient care.

The Journal Sentinel describes the state inspection findings:

Milwaukee County comes under fire by state inspectors for shoddy conditions at the Mental Health Complex, including a series of fire and other patient safety violations, in three reports released Monday.

The inspection reports also found the county psychiatric hospital had further erred by failing to properly maintain patient records, failing to get the proper OK for administering medications and not having complete records on physical restraints and drugs used on patients. The reports also found poor oversight of private contractors responsible for food safety and medical records.

Inspectors found moldy shower areas, standing water in a hospital laundry and dirty food service areas, with an infestation of fruit flies around foul-smelling garbage, a state report found. Clean and dirty towels were intermingled in laundry rooms, a report said.

The county has 45 days to correct the problems or could face a possible cutoff of federal funding, which comes to some $40 million a year.

Otis Woods, administrator for the state Division of Quality Assurance, called the findings “very serious.” His division conducted an unannounced licensure survey starting May 11. Those findings were the basis for separate state and federal reports laying out deficiencies at the Mental Health Complex….

Inspectors touring the complex found “ceilings, walls and floors in disrepair, broken fixtures, insufficient lighting, poor ventilation” and locked storage rooms for which no one had the keys, the state report said.

The federal inspection reports found that the county’s Mental Health Complex failed standards for overall management of the hospital and its physical condition, based on the lengthy list of shortcomings….

[County Executive Scott] Walker couldn’t be reached for further comment. John Chianelli, the administrator for the county’s Behavioral Health Division, also couldn’t be reached.

I’ve posted about Chianelli’s policy, and the tragedy that is conduct at the MHC, before. See, A Milwaukee County Bureaucrat’s Immoral Utilitarianism, Update: A Milwaukee County Bureaucrat’s Immoral Utilitarianism, Update 2, Update 3, Update 4, Update 5, Update 6, and Update 7

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