Friday Poll: A Bee-Coat for a Guinness World Record?

Last month, in China, a man covered himself with a vast number of bees, to set a Guinness World Record:

A Chinese man set a new world record on Monday for the amount of bees covering a human.

An astounding 109.05 kg of bees clung onto Gao Bingguo, who has been a beekeeper for more than 30 years.

The brave record-holder from China’s Shandong province asked his colleagues to pour the bees over him. They attached a dozen queen bees to help attract even more buzzy beings….

It’s estimated Mr Goa was covered in 1.1 million bees.

Would you wear a bee-coat to earn a Guinness World Record?

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The Phantom Stranger
9 years ago

…you’d have to bee crazy to polinate this idea…hummmm…..

9 years ago

Ha, too funny!

Ayn Rand
9 years ago

I would not be able to say “no, but thanks for asking” often enough.

9 years ago

that’s hundreds of pounds of bees, but maybe not all weighing him down