A Proper American Response

Over at the Washington Post, columnist Michael Gerson summarizes nicely what’s wrong with Arizona’s anti-immigration law:

This law creates a suspect class, based in part on ethnicity, considered guilty until they prove themselves innocent. It makes it harder for illegal immigrants to live without scrutiny — but it also makes it harder for some American citizens to live without suspicion and humiliation. Americans are not accustomed to the command “Your papers, please,” however politely delivered. The distinctly American response to such a request would be “Go to hell,” and then “See you in court.”

The government of Arizona, it turns out, has been ambushed by its own legislature. If this vague law is applied vigorously, the state will be regularly sued by citizens who are wrongfully stopped….

All of this will be wrong, and a shame, for Arizonans, and an example of what not to do for the rest of America. (Gerson also points out how ruinous an anti-immigration stand has been for some of his fellow Republicans.)

(Hat tip to Jennifer Rubin of Commentary.)

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