An Animated Chart of 42 North American Butterflies


From Eleanor Lutz @ Tabletop Whale, a beautiful, animated chart. Here’s how Ms. Lutz describes her creation:

I checked out six butterfly field guides from the library and picked out some of the species I thought were the most unique and beautiful.

It’s meant as a chart of decorative species illustrations rather than an educational infographic. So it doesn’t have as much information as my other posts, but I did draw everything as true to life as I could.

Brock JP and Kaufman K. 2003 Butterflies of North America Singapore: Houghton Mifflin Company

Readers who enjoy the animation can also get printed, poster versions of the butterfly chart, and other illustrations and infographics @ Artsider.

(Hat-tip to i09 for the link to Eleanor Lutz’s art.)

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