An Opportunity at Whitewater High

In most communities – and certainly small towns with fewer large institutions – the events at the local high school count for a great deal.

In Whitewater, the high school principal has accepted a job at nearby Bigfoot Union, in Walworth, WI, as district administrator. That district scheduled a public meeting on Sunday afternoon to make final their selection, and posted online their announcement yesterday, but the combination of relevent agendas (and community discussion in Walworth) made the selection evident before the announcement.

The choice of a new principal for Whitewater is a significant matter: a choice of mere convenience or institutional bargaining would be an unsatisfactory choice. Whitewater as a community has had the poor habit of choosing on one of these lesser bases (with too few exceptions). Years of this have been too many, and a test of patience. If there has been a mistake in the face of this, it has been one of unmerited forbearance. No student should have to struggle to receive the courses of his or her ability; no student should have to struggle for acceptance.

This small & beautiful city deserves for her principal a worthy mixture of intelligence, knowledge, scholastic encouragement, and fairness – to fulfill this district’s promise of Every Graduate an Engaged Lifelong Learner.

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George Bailey
7 years ago

I am hoping that we find a Principal for WHS whose last priority is “moving on to better things” when any regional District Administrator positions become open. Continuity of WHS leadership would be nice. I understand that anyone who is good/very good may naturally move on (higher pay, etc..), but it is getting old…in this particular case though, maybe it is for the best anyway.