
You’ll meet a few people who believe that commentary published anonymously or pseudonymously is wrong, and should be rejected. They’ll contend that they would never deign to read this website because it’s published pseudonymously.

Kindly remind those people of the society in which they live, as they seem to have forgotten. Those who reject pseudonymous political or social commentary reject the political tradition of this beautiful, free republic. Here’s the truth of our common heritage, as I note on the “About” section of FREE WHITEWATER:

Embracing one of the oldest traditions of free speech in America, FREE WHITEWATER is published anonymously under the pseudonym, JOHN ADAMS. Many of the greatest men of this republic published anonymously, among them Hamilton, Madison, Jay, Paine, and occasionally, John Adams himself.

Those who criticize use of a pseudonym are ignorant and unappreciative of the American tradition of free speech. They arrogantly interpose their own selfish sentiments against of the liberties assured for citizens of this country.

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