AP: “In free market, seeds of Africa’s food solution”

There’s an encouraging story about Africa today, from the Associated Press, about the power of free market to overcome chronic famine.

Peter Waziweyi is bouncing around the lush countryside of Mozambique in his 30-year-old truck, visiting his customers’ maize fields and relishing the sight of their rich, ripening crops.

In an East African country that tried and failed to run its economy on Marxist lines, it is now the turn of small-time businessmen like Waziweyi to step forward. Waziweyi is a seed salesman and part of a chain linking scientists and farmers that experts hope will help Mozambique and other African countries solve their chronic food crises.

Waziweyi has gone from aid worker to entrepreneur, producing high-yield, drought-resistant hybrid seeds and selling them through the company he and his wife founded last year, called “Nzara Yapera” – “an end to hunger”….

There is no economic match — in most aspects of life — for the freedom of markets in capital, goods, and labor.

If there is to be a solution to third-world hunger, it will be found no sooner than when formerly socialist, often Marxist, nations liberalize into market economies.

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