Astonishing: Oil Spill’s Damage Far Greater than Once Thought – CBS News

Hard to believe, yet it’s probable, that the Gulf of Mexico spill may be worse than prior estimates suggest:

New numbers showing the amount of oil gushing from a well in the Gulf of Mexico may be double what was previously thought means the crude is likely to travel farther away, threatening more birds, fish and other wildlife that call the fragile waters their home, scientists said Friday.

The new figures could mean 42 million gallons to more than 100 million gallons of oil have already fouled the Gulf’s delicate ecosystem and are affecting people who live, work and play along the coast from Louisiana to Florida — and perhaps beyond.

This must be the worst purely environmental failure in the history of the federal government, despite a budget of billions for environmental policy, and a total annual federal budget of trillions.

See, Oil Spill’s Damage Far Greater than Once Thought – CBS News.

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