Bad News for Drug Warriors

Turns out Newt Gingrich, the man of a thousand shifting, contradictory, and I’ll-considered opinions, wants to escalate the Drug War. If there’s worse news for drug warriors than this, short of an endorsement from Syria’s Assad, I can’t imagine what that worse news might be.

In an interview with Yahoo!, Gingrich finds his model for a clampdown on drugs:

Places like Singapore have been the most successful at doing that. They’ve been very draconian. And they have communicated with great intention that they intend to stop drugs from coming into their country.

Vast, diverse America and the autocratic, city-state of Singapore: that’s Gingrich’s idea of a suitable analogue.

It’s late November, and surprisingly Mitt Romney has yet to write to me for campaign advice. (I’ll be sure to check my email again after I publish this post.) If he were to solicit my opinion, I’d recommend that Gov. Romney use all his campaign funds to put Gingrich on the air, nonstop and unscripted, for week after week.

There’s no better path to the GOP nomination for Romney that that.

Via Reason’s Blog.

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