Ben Sommer’s fifth and sixth tracks from Super Brain

Here are links to the fifth and sixth tracks from Super Brain:

Militarism and Cadaverism are available online as mp3s with accompanying lyrics. (Ben Sommer, voice). Original September premiere at Young Americans for Liberty.

Ben describes the songs:

Militarism. The inspiration for this piece was the 2000 presidential debates, where George Bush said “don’t mess with Texas”. I was living in Amherst, MA (yes, I ended up at lowly UMass). The town has three colleges and – not surprisingly – a tiresome, leftist group-think atmosphere. But the morning after the debate, a contrarian friend at the time showed up at the coffee shop with a custom-made t-shirt saying “Don’t mess with Texas”. George Bush was cute and harmless back then, so when he turned out to be the biggest monster since Lyndon Johnson, I had to set those words of his to music.

Geoff Chirgwin’s martial trumpets (5 of ’em) provide the background for my overdubbed nasal vocal duet.

Cadaverism. This track came last, and is the silliest. It proves that I’m so bad at death metal, no matter how hard I try. I think it took 15 minutes to scribble down, and about that long to record. Hopefully it gives a chuckle. Unlike the first two tracks in this set, the lyrics are worth a read, as long as you appreciate dadaist humor. There’s also a mean thrash guitar solo that would do Kirk Hammett proud.


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