Beverly Kopper Selected as UW-Whitewater Chancellor

As anyone might have expected.  So predictable, in fact, it would have been silly to expect another choice: this was a process of selection from among a very weak field, and thereby a design that would lead to one probable, internal selection. 

(The external candidates might have been found at Greyhound bus terminals or all-night donut shops.)

See, Beverly A. Kopper named new chancellor of UW-Whitewater @ UW System website.

Superficially, the selection solves some problems of the current administration, but simultaneously exacerbates others.

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Dale Jensen
9 years ago

Same old, same old. Can’t wait to hear what glowing adjectives the communications staff dig up to describe the new Chancellor’s “stellar” qualifications (other than she was an anointed member of the incumbent UW-W self-professed elite).

9 years ago

Someone must be planning a Royal Coronation extravaganza. 🙂