Can Capitalism Save the World from Poverty? Actually, it’s already doing just that…

There’s a new PBS documentary that you may have seen, called “The New Recruits,” about efforts of free-market advocates to bring capitalism to the developing world. It’s not easy, but the documentary shows how a few dedicated market proponents can make a difference even in dire conditions.

No economic system has produced greater prosperity for more people than the free market system. All else is merely the re-distribution of under-production, stagnation, and poverty.

In Forbes online, there’s mention of the documentary, in a post entitled, Capitalist Do-Gooders vs. Poverty – Warts and All. It’s not an easy road, but no economic system offers more hope for humanity.

Here’s the trailer for the PBS documentary:

Link: New Recruits Trailer. The documentary’s website is available at The New Recruits.”

The documentary first aired nationally on June 15th, but it’s sure to be replayed on PBS stations throughout the country.

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