I posted yesterday about a protest against the works of Renoir. The protest was the inspiration of Max Geller, who has an Instagram account – renoir_sucks_at_painting – dedicated to his dislike of Renoir. There’s more from Geller, in an interview with NPR, entitled, 3 Questions with the Guy Who Hates Renoir. Geller doesn’t dislike art, and…
Art, Freedom of Speech
The Anti-Renoir Movement
by JOHN ADAMS • • Comments
So one reads in the Boston Globe (hat tip to Althouse for the link) that there’s an anti-Renoir movement: The rally, which mostly bewildered passersby, was organized by Max Geller, creator of the Instagram account Renoir Sucks at Painting, who wants the MFA to take its Renoirs off the walls and replace them with something…
Animation, Art, Film
Sunday Animation: Twelve Principles of Animation (Squash & Stretch, Anticipation)
by JOHN ADAMS • • Comments
Alan Becker has a video series based on the twelve principles of animation of animators Frank Thomas and Ollie Johnston. These principles, and Becker’s series about them, show how much thinking goes into even simple animated films. Here are the first two principles, as Becker presents them – Squash & Stretch Anticipation
Animation, Art
Sunday Animation: Something from Studio Ghibli
by JOHN ADAMS • • Comments
Animation, Art, Cartoons & Comics, Film
Sunday Animation: Glen Keane Draws in Virtual Reality
by JOHN ADAMS • • Comments
2015 Future of StoryTelling Summit Speaker: Glen Keane Animator, The Little Mermaid, Tarzan, Beauty and the Beast, and Duet Keane’s VR painting is created in Tiltbrush: www.tiltbrush.com Over nearly four decades at Disney, Glen Keane animated some the most compelling characters of our time: Ariel from The Little Mermaid, the titular beast in Beauty and…
Art, Nature
Bees Help Sculpt a Tea Pot
by JOHN ADAMS • • Comments
"Thousand Years" by Tomas Libertiny from Studio Libertiny on Vimeo. Artist Tomas Libertiny partners with over 60.000 bees to create this splendid teapot wax sculpture. Libertiny made a teapot-shaped hive that the bees then colonized, building a hexagon comb around it and the Bees make their almost mathematically precise honeycomb structure around it. Just an…
Hand-Drawn Logos
by JOHN ADAMS • • Comments
Hand Drawn Logos from Seb Lester on Vimeo. Seb Lester works in Lewes, East Sussex, as a type designer, illustrator and artist. He has created typefaces and type illustrations for some of the world’s biggest companies, publications and events, including the likes of Apple, Nike, Intel, The New York Times, The 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics…
Animation, Art, Film
Sunday Film: A Crash Course in Internet Art
by JOHN ADAMS • • Comments
Animals, Art
The Unchameleon
by JOHN ADAMS • • Comments
Animals, Art, Nature
An Animated Chart of 42 North American Butterflies
by JOHN ADAMS • • Comments
From Eleanor Lutz @ Tabletop Whale, a beautiful, animated chart. Here’s how Ms. Lutz describes her creation: I checked out six butterfly field guides from the library and picked out some of the species I thought were the most unique and beautiful. It’s meant as a chart of decorative species illustrations rather than an educational…
Animation, Art
Sunday Animation: What is Art?
by JOHN ADAMS • • Comments
The Power of Simple Drawings
by JOHN ADAMS • • Comments
Perhaps not so simple at all: Long dismissed as a waste of time, doodling is getting new respect. Recent research in neuroscience, psychology and design shows that doodling can help people stay focused, grasp new concepts and retain information. A blank page also can serve as an extended playing field for the brain, allowing people…