Cartoons & Comics

Lisa Benson on Cash for Clunkers

Editorial cartoonist Lisa Benson comments on the Cash for Clunkers program. (The editorial cartoon is from Comics. com, with a more permissive re-use policy than the the website I used last week for Nate Beeler’s cartoon on dissent.)

Nate Beeler on Dissent (from Nationalized Health Care Schemes)

Nate Beeler, editorial cartoonist of the Washington Examainer, on dissent from the Democrats’ nationalized health care plans. Here, Jefferson’s views on dissent meet with modern-day partisan onjections. (The cartoon appears as a thumbnail, based on the Association of American Editorial Cartoonists’ terms of use. Clicking on the cartoon produces a full-sized version. ) (click here…

Another Reason to Love America: Steamboat Willie

There are countless reasons, big and small, to love America. This is, I am convinced, the most extraordinary place in all the world, for our liberties, productivity, creativity, and natural beauty. We have been creative always, in our past as we are today. Here’s an example of America’s contribution to popular culture from 1928 –…