Corporate Welfare

A Tech Company That Seeks Private Support

What does a small tech company that seeks private support look like?  Often, we’ll not know, because those private companies seek the support of private venture capital, in thousands of encounters and presentations across America each day.  Sometimes, though, one sees more because a private tech startup looks to something like Kickstarter to win backing…

Rand Paul on Chamber of Commerce Republicans

Sen. Rand Paul, Republican of Kentucky, often moves (sometimes quixotically) between libertarian and conventionally conservative, Republican positions. Still, there’s unquestionably some libertarian in him, and in his libertarianism he shares a dynamic philosophy (if not party label) with a huge number of other Americans (about 22%, or just under one-in-four people).  Here’s what Paul, speaking…

The Truth About the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation

There are those times when small-government conservatives, Democrats, and libertarians agree. Acknowledging the misconduct, failures, and cronyism of the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation would be one of those occasions. It is, among other things, the state’s biggest white-collar welfare scheme, both mismanaged and mendacious. Here’s the effectual motto of the WEDC: Corruption, Cronyism, and Incompetence…

Creating Taxpayers as Government’s Goal

When seeking to persuade Milton, Wisconsin’s councilmembers to regulate food trucks, an incumbent merchant recently said that more competition might put him out of business, after which he would no longer be a taxpayer.  That’s telling: the incumbent’s appeal to government – to a room full of politicians and municipal bureaucrats – is that they…

What’s an Entrepreneur?

I would think, and perhaps you would think, too, that an entrepreneur is a man or woman who runs a private business, bearing the risks and demands of his or her enterprise.  For this reason, Americans are sympathetic to entrepreneurs and entrepreneurial efforts – we admire the creativity and effort of business men and women…

The Foul Air in Which Chicanery Breathes Easily

In nearby Janesville, they’ve a state senatorial candidate hinting that he’ll bring General Motors back, and a big talkin’ developer (with whom the candidate is associated) now saying the same thing. These economic promises are no sounder than the hooting and screeching of apes.  (Less sound, actually, as even foul quadrupeds in the rain forest…

The Gazette’s Ideological Albatross

It was Carl Denham who once declared, famously, that “It was beauty killed the beast.” In the same way, nothing matters more for a publication of news and opinion than its ideology, its intellectual outlook.  A misguided outlook will prove debilitating, if not fatal.  A strong set of principles helps a publication steer true in…

Innovation as a Fad

Innovation is both a genuine development and a fad.   In a free society, with unrestricted flows of information, capital, labor, and goods, it’s nearly inevitable that people will improve products and services in powerful, clever ways.    Innovation – the word, the idea, etc. – is also a contemporary fad, the jargon of our…

Is this the city that you had in mind?

Consider this working definition of crony capitalism: Crony capitalism is a term describing an economy in which success in business depends on close relationships between business people and government officials. It may be exhibited by favoritism in the distribution of legal permits, government grants, special tax breaks, or other forms of state interventionism. Crony capitalism…

Three Motivations for Local Government Intervention (and One That’s Sadly Missing)

In Whitewater, we’ve had any number of local projects, some involving millions, in a town of only thousands.   Broadly, one may assume three motivations for local intervention: (1) genuine if mistaken efforts at community betterment, (2) the vanity or economic interest of parties to a project, or (3) a desire to prevent demographic and…