
Frontline‘s Covering Coronavirus: Inside Italy’s COVID War (Full Film)

A rare and harrowing look inside a hospital hard-hit by the coronavirus in northern Italy, following the stories of an ER doctor, her staff and patients battling COVID-19. With unprecedented and intimate access, FRONTLINE goes inside a besieged hospital unit in the region at the epicenter of Italy’s coronavirus outbreak, where doctors and nurses try…

Netflix Documentary Series: Dirty Money (Season Two Now Online)

?? The overwhelming majority of people in America (and abroad) earn their money through honest means. A few, however, profit through fraud, self-dealing, outright theft, or selfish manipulation of laws and institutions. These few corrupt the public and private spheres they touch. Academy Award winning documentarian Alex Gibney’s second season of Dirty Money, now online…

Review: Active Measures

Active Measures is a 2018 documentary describing Russian (derived from Soviet) techniques to undermine American democratic institutions, and those of our democratic allies. (Active measures: “A Soviet term for the actions of political warfare conducted by the Russian security services to influence the course of world events.”) The film is now in limited theatrical release,…

The Legacy of China’s Family-Planning Rules

The Party does more than blunder – what it touches, it injures & ruins: In the late 1970s and early ’80s, China implemented rigid family-planning measures to slow population growth—the most controversial of which was the one-child policy. In 2015, China announced that it would drop this rule. However, millions of second and third children…

Film: Last Train

Last Train from Matt Knarr on Vimeo. A documentary exploring the quiet, empty world of the last subway train of the night, and the stories of the people riding it. Best Canadian Film – Take 21 Film Festival, 2016 Finalist – LA Cinefest, 2016 Official Selection – BFI Future Film Festival, 2017, Milton Film Festival,…