
The Housing Market and Public Budgets

There’s a story in the Washington Post about Pres. Obama’s latest initiative to help underwater homeowners (Government announces new program to help ‘underwater’ homeowners), following an earlier story — anticipating today’s announcement — about failed, past efforts (Obama’s efforts to aid homeowners, boost housing market fall far short of goals). The former story pours cold…

Census: Housing bust worst since Great Depression

Nationwide, the homeownership rate fell to 65.1 percent – or 76 million occupied housing units that were owned by their residents – from 66.2 percent in 2000. That drop-off of 1.1 percentage points is the largest since 1940, when homeownership plummeted 4.2 percentage points during the Great Depression to a low of 43.6 percent. Since…

Number of the Week: The Economy’s Housing Albatross

No recovery: In the second quarter, residential investment — money spent on building, adding to and maintaining homes — accounted for just 2.2% of GDP, according to the Commerce Department. That was the lowest level since 1945, when America was on a war footing. If residential investment were to rebound to its average share of…

The Mortgage Meltdown, Robo-Signing, and Foreclosures

Over at Freedom Watch, Judge Napolitano and his panel discuss an expanding robo-signing scandal (along with the separate topic of the IMF’s insatiable need for more money). I’ve written often about the recession, but seldom about the mortgage meltdown. Like many lay people, I thought that the recession would be deep, and that recovery would…

Wisconsin’s median income plunged over the last decade

Shocking, and proof of infuriating, disgraceful political failure. Down 14.5%, far worse than the American average (itself an unwelcome decline). Of what use were so many grand, much-touted state and municipal projects? One Next Big Thing after another, and all of them doing nothing to prevent a double-digit decline in common people’s incomes. Every big-talking…

Rhinelander benefits from the… Hodag

For more on the Hodag — March 22nd is the birthday of Eugene Shepard, of whom the Wisconsin Historical Society offers an account — …Eugene Shepard was born near Green Bay. Although he made his career in the lumbering business near Rhinelander, he was best known for his story-telling and practical jokes. He told many…

The Best Way to Create Jobs: Free Markets in Capital and Labor

Here’s New York Mayor and businessman Michael Bloomberg talking about the best way to create jobs. He’s right that fewer immigration restrictions actually boost American employment. There’s much more to be said about all this, but a scheme of labor restrictions isn’t just socially disruptive, and an example of over-criminalization.  Restrictions impoverish America; free private…

The Fed’s Secret Lending Program

One doesn’t have to be a libertarian critic of the Federal Reserve (Ron Paul being the exemplar) to see that billions in secret loans to financiers represents another example of government over-reach and (as they were at the time secret loans) unaccountability. Here, from, is a segment of Andrew Napolitano’s Freedom Watch, where guests…

Feldstein: The Economy is Worse Than You Think

Economist Martin Feldstein writes in the Wall Street Journal about the sluggish economy, with a recommendation to spur a true recovery: The economy will continue to suffer until there is a coherent and favorable economic policy. That means bringing long-term deficits under control without raising marginal tax rates – by cutting government outlays and by…

The Starin Road Extension

There’s a story, from yesterday’s Daily Union, about the Starin Road extension. See, Whitewater dedicates Starin Road extension. In the story, Whitewater’s city manager advances a few justifications for the multi-million-dollar, taxpayer-financed extension: first for emergencies, then for connecting the Innovation Center to the campus, then as part of a package including bike trails. There’s…

“Pretty bleak numbers”

This is no discernible recovery; this is no time for half-measures. Budget-cutting (simply to balance a budget) offers no solution.  Cuts should me made to spur private investment and offer temporary, emergency assistance where necessary. Empty tech park schemes and Gov. Walker’s wasteful road-building projects offer no opportunities for ordinary people.  (These ideas don’t offer…

Economy: Signs of a Slowdown

Business Insider has a story online entitled, The Economy: Signs of a Slowdown. The economy is slow; it may be slowing still more. It’s hardly a high-octane magazine, but then stating the obvious doesn’t require high octane. If our economy were strong, we’d have less reason to think about it. It’s weak, so it compels…