Foreign Affairs

McCain on the CIA Torture Report

Goodness knows libertarians have had countless differences with Sen. John McCain, on domestic and foreign policy.  We could have no disagreement, however, with his condemnation of the CIA’s use of torture for interrogation of America’s enemies.  Our politics – including the acknowledgment of our own ethical failures -should be of the highest standards.  To use…

Overestimating China’s influence: ‘Five myths about China’s power’

Writing at the Washington Post, Minxin Pei of Claremont McKenna College lists  exaggerations and distortions about China. As with now-discarded theories from the ’80s about Japan’s supposed economic indomitability, there’s been much foolishness about China’s actual prospects. See, Five myths about China’s power – The Washington Post. See, also, an online chat on the same topic.…

The Continuing Global Growth of Christianity

There’s a distinction between separation of church & state and secularization, although the distinction isn’t always grasped. America and France both have a separation of church from state, but France is the more secular society. Religion is more visible in American civil society, compared with France (if anything, that’s a considerable understatement). There’s much worry…

An American Phoenix

We’ve played the phoenix before, and no matter how difficult conditions are today, I’ve no doubt that we will yet again.  We’re successful and resilient because we’re free: Americans are versatile and creative, and bounce back well. Ambrose Evans-Pritchard writes about how America’s world position is likely to be stronger than some fret. Part of…

More on Plans for U.S. Troops to Leave Iraq

From Chris Preble, some remarks about an American troop departure from Iraq, with sentiments that seem sound to me: ….if the Obama administration carries through on its promise to remove U.S. troops by the end of the year, the president and his national security team will have heeded the wishes of the American people, not…

Pres. Obama: Troops in Iraq Will Be Home for the Holidays

After nearly nine years, America’s war in Iraq will be over.” America has done considerably more than her necessary part in Iraq, at great cost, yet with extraordinary skill. No other people could have done half so well. I would contend that we have been abroad in Iraq far too long. In any event, our…