Free Markets

Libertarian Party: Wisconsin Government Micro-Management Fails

The Libertarian Party of Wisconsin has issued a press release that highlights how Wisconsin has taken the wrong approach toward business growth — Libertarian Party: Wisconsin government micro-management fails 11/12/2010 Contact: Ben Olson, Chair, 608-381-6572, Jim Maas, Vice Chair, 715-212-7007, [Rothschild] Harley-Davidson Inc. has rejected the state’s offer of up to $25 million…

Institute for Justice: Why Can’t Chuck Get His Business Off the Ground?

The Institute for Justice asks: How can Americans create private sector jobs? The solution to America’s jobs problem lies not with budget-busting federally mandated “stimulus” programs. Instead, what is needed are specific reforms that wouldn’t cost taxpayers, would create a broader tax base for cash-strapped cities and states, and would provide opportunity for millions of…

Is the Free Market Improving the Lives of India’s Dalits?

At the BBC’s website, the online correspondent for BBC News in India, Soutik Biswas, writes: Is the free market improving lives of India’s Dalits? Here’s his question: Does free market drive social change? By rewarding talent and hard work, does it help bring down social barriers? More pertinently, has the unshackling of the Indian economy…

Preparing Cuba for the free market from the US | PRI.ORG

Easier said than done, though certainly worth doing: Cuba is flirting with free-market reforms, while Cuban Americans try to help prepare the country for life under a version of capitalism. (This story’s from the left-of-center Public Radio International — and that provenance offers another of many signs of the inevitable return to free markets in… Discussing Fees for Fire Protection

America and places beyond have heard the story about how firefighters in Obion County, Tennessee let a house burn down because the homeowners, the Cranicks, had not paid the $75 annual firefighters’ fee. (The department is from South Fulton, but serves areas in the county beyond the South Fulton city limits.) At, there’s a…

“Free Market” Doesn’t Mean “Pro-Business” – Art Carden – The Economic Imagination – Forbes

No, it certainly doesn’t. Art Carden, at Forbes‘s Economic Imagination blog, explains the difference: Is a “free market” agenda the same thing as a “pro-business” agenda? Economists of a libertarian persuasion find this frustrating because our enthusiasm for free markets is often mistaken as enthusiasm for specific businesses or corporate interests. But just because something…

Joyce Appleby on the Relentless Revolution of Capitalism

Capitalism is humanity’s best arrangement for prosperity. Alternatives are, to one degree or another, schemes of enforced poverty. has an interview with professor emerita Joyce Appleby of UCLA. It’s eight minutes of clarity and insight. The video is below, with Reason‘s description thereafter. Enjoy. Video link: “Exploitation is not exclusively capitalist, but wealth…