Free Markets

The Wall Street Journal on Private Campaigns Against Walmart

In prior posts, I’ve made clear the difference between competition between private merchants and local government’s endorsement of a campaign that expressly favors one kind of merchant over another. That’s not the place for government, either on principle (government should be limited) or prudently (government has a poor record of picking winners in the marketplace).…

Motion Hearing for Walworth County Raw Milk Case

Yesterday, I posted about Wisconsin’s regulatory badgering of dairy farmers trying to sell raw milk within existing legal requirements. Even that’s now hard to do, following Governor Doyle’s veto of a bill that would have allowed expanded, yet still modest, raw milk sales. See, Ongoing Harassment of Dairy Farmers in America’s Dairyland. One of the…

America’s War Between Free Enterprise and Government Control

There’s an essay in the Washington Post, that wonders if we face America’s new culture war: Free enterprise vs. government control. Arthur Brooks, president of the American Enterprise Institute, considers the topic and concludes that we do face such a cultural clash. First, Brooks considers the irreconcilable systems of free enterprise and state control: This…

“Tracy Foster is Free Enterprise”

There are many inspirational videos available online, but few more so than one of the entries to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s “I am Free Enterprise” video contest. A video about small-business owner Tracy Foster, who makes a line of stylish camera bags, is now a finalist in the Chamber’s contest. (I wrote about the… A Delicious Free Enterprise Contest Entry

Here’s a video from’s Meredith Bragg. Entitled, “A Delicious Free Enterprise Contest Entry,” it’s one of the finalists in the the U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s “I Am Free Enterprise” video contest. The winner of will receive a $50,000 grand prize, to be determined through online voting. Readers can vote and view the other finalists…

Madison’s Isthmus: Janesville on the Brink

From Madison’s Isthmus, one reads a story about hardship in nearby Janesville, hardship that should be of concern to those in Whitewater, too. No matter how dire the conditions for Janesville now, I believe that an abandonment of virtually every aspect of commercial and business regulation, along with drastic reductions in government spending except principally…