Free Markets Gov. Gary Johnson on His Economic Vision for “Our America”

From, here’s a half-hour presentation from former New Mexico Gov. Gary Johnson on free market economic solutions for America. Here’s a description from Reason: On Tuesday, February 9, in the midst of one of the biggest snowstorms in recent Washington, D.C. memory, former New Mexico Gov. Gary Johnson and Harvard economist (and Reason contributor)…

Epoch Times — Capitalism: Passé or Neo-Classic?

Neo-Classic! From the story in the Epoch Times: The economy seems to be showing signs of recovery, but people’s faith in capitalism are being put to a test in face of tough challenges such as the current health care reform. Has capitalism stopped working for the U.S.? What is the cure for today’s troubled economy,…

“Quiet Libertarian Victories”

Jeremy Lott has a brief essay entitled, Quiet Libertarian Victories, about how the last year has proved libertarians right about their core principles, and some successes effecting change toward more liberty. Lott observes that The last several years have not been easy for libertarians to stomach. The U.S. government, which had bloated under President George…

Libertarian Cato Institute Deservedly Named One of World’s Leading Think Tanks

Congratulations to the Cato Institute, named one of the leading policy institutes in the world, following a major academic survey. Libertarians have reason for confidence in their views in any event, but the policy scholars at Cato are admirably advancing ideas for “individual liberty, free markets, and peace.” Now you know, and I know, that…

NASA and the Free Market

Not long ago, I wrote that it would be a good idea to turn human space exploration from NASA’s responsibility to the private sector. Imagine how happy I was to see a blog post from Dallas entitled, NASA Believes in the Free Market. The headline promised auspicious news – another efficiency from free exchange –…

“Red-Ink Tsunami: Why Old Ideas Can’t Fix the New Government Perma-Crisis”

Over at there’s a succinct, useful article on fiscal policies that simply won’t solve America’s economic problems. “Red-Ink Tsunami: Why Old Ideas Can’t Fix the New Government Perma-Crisis” is a useful reminder – a warning, really – of state and local government’s limitations. Here are the five “Strategies of Yesteryear that Won’t Work Today”:…

Rep. Paul Ryan on Business and Markets

Whitewater, Wisconsin is divided between two congressional districts, one of which is served by Rep. Paul Ryan. The online Washington Examiner has a brief opinion piece called, “Paul Ryan’s Free-Market Populism.” The article mentions an essay that Ryan recently wrote for Forbes in which he decried the tendency of large corporations to seek government handouts… John Mackey’s Conscious Capitalism Here’s a description accompanying the video: When he started his first organic food store in Austin, Texas in 1978, Whole Foods Market CEO and co-founder John Mackey had no idea that he would eventually usher in not just a revolution in how we shop but what we buy. If you dig being able to…