Free Markets Government Providing ‘Country Roads to Serfdom’

It’s video Thursday at FREE WHITEWATER, and here’s a video from’s Rough Cut blog, about the failure of government spending to improve conditions for West Virginia. Here’s a description accompanying the video: For decades, West Virginia has looked to the government to solve their economic problems, only to find themselves falling further behind. Today,…

From Bjorn Lomborg — What’s the Best Way to Live with Global Warming?

Over at, there’s an interview with Bjorn Lomborg, asking, What’s the Best Way to Live with Global Warming? Here’s a description of the interview: What’s the best way for humanity to reduce suffering from man-made global warming? No individual has been a stronger voice for rational cost-benefit analysis on this issue than Bjorn Lomborg,…

Machan: The Problems Are Not Due to Capitalism

Professor of economics Tibor Machan writes that opponents of free markets are wrong to blame capitalism for the current recession. That blame-casting is proving short-lived: more Americans each day are rejecting government intervention in the economy, and embracing free markets in labor and capital as a foundation of a dynamic, prosperous, and tolerant society. Machan’s… British MEP Daniel Hannan on YouTube Superstardom, the NHS, and His Libertarian Plan for Britain

I previously posted a video clip of a British member of the European parliament in Brussels dressing down British Prime Minister Gordon Brown.  (See, Candid Talk About…England.)  The MEP was Daniel Hannan, well-known in England.   Hannan’s back in an interview with, entitled, “British MEP Daniel Hannan on YouTube Superstardom, the NHS, and His Libertarian Plan…

“Eight Reasons Why Big Government Hurts Economic Growth”

Reason’s group video blog offers the first of two videos on economic and fiscal policy. Here’s the description accompanying the video: This Center for Freedom and Prosperity Foundation video analyzes how excessive government spending undermines economic performance. While acknowledging that a very modest level of government spending on things such as “public goods” can facilitate…


In Whitewater, and 15,000 other locations across America, there’s a new(er)way to rent videos. Over the years, Whitewater has had several movie rental stores, as stand-alone businesses or within a larger store.  I can think of at least five, of this type, but I may be undercounting.  With the closing of Blockbuster, we have only…

Dodgeville: Greediest Municipality in Wisconsin?

If a business overcharges a customer, beyond the listed price of an item, the customer expects a refund, and should one not be forthcoming, a local consumer protection agency’s liable to spring into action. That’s as it should be — the customer may seek recourse if she wishes (and a business’s greatest punishment comes from…

Mercatus Center at George Mason University – Freedom in the 50 States: An Index of Personal and Economic Freedom

For George Mason University’s Mercatus Center, professors William Ruger and Jason Sorens, tenured elsewhere, have published a study of American liberties entitled, “Freedom in the Fifty States.” The scholars define “individual freedom as the ability to dispose of one’s own life, liberty, and justly acquired property however one sees fit, so long as one does…