Free Markets

Why is it cheaper to buy a high-calorie fast-food-chain burger meal than one that is more nutritious and with less fat, salt and calories?

The hidden secret: government meddling in the free market… Although the author of the story clearly dislikes the free market, it’s not a free market when government meddles — it’s a manipulated or regulated market. Politicians simply favor some businesses over others, subsidizing those concerns, thereby giving them an unfair advantage in the marketplace. An…

AP: “In free market, seeds of Africa’s food solution”

There’s an encouraging story about Africa today, from the Associated Press, about the power of free market to overcome chronic famine. Peter Waziweyi is bouncing around the lush countryside of Mozambique in his 30-year-old truck, visiting his customers’ maize fields and relishing the sight of their rich, ripening crops. In an East African country that…

Wall Street Journal Book Review: Your Teacher Said What?!

When asked if it wasn’t hypocritical for a multimillionaire director of Hollywood films to denounce capitalism as “evil,” Michael Moore averred that the free-market economy “did nothing for me.” It was, presumably, a devotion to Sandinista economics that enabled his purchase of an expensive Upper West Side apartment and covered his daughter’s private-school tuition. While…

The Foolish War on Walmart

Here in small-town Whitewater, we’re getting an expanded Walmart. It’s Walmart, not Tiffany & Co. It is, however, popular with millions, for low prices on a wide selection of goods. We’ve also a selection of local merchants, some of whom are positioned to thrive regardless of Walmart’s plans. I’ve objected to an exclusionary ‘buy local’…

A Victory in the Food Truck Wars

I’ve written before about the anti-consumer battle against food trucks, and efforts to deny consumers convenient access to the popular, varied, and inexpensive fare that food trucks offer. See, Institute for Justice Defends the Rights of Street Vendors. In El Paso, where that city had tried to zone food trucks away from potential patrons, there’s…

Stossel: End Corporate Welfare

Over at Reason, John Stossel writes about the problem – a big, expensive one – of corporate welfare. Particular businesses shouldn’t receive preferential treatment, including taxpayer handouts, from government. Taxes and fees should be lower across the board, and without preference for one corporation over another. Corporate handouts only reduce competitiveness and increase dependency, and…

Lessons from Atlas Shrugged

Here’s a fine video about what the videographer learned from Atlas Shrugged. I’m a libertarian, rather than an Objectivist (as I’d guess the videographer is), but the video offers an appeal to both groups. (Libertarianism is a political view, of individual rights and limited government, and has no inherent suspicion of religion, as Objectivism does.…

Long live the American dream

“There are many reasons why India and China have nothing on us.” So very true — despite considerable challenges, there’s sound reason for optimism about America.  Her  best days are yet ahead. Via THEDAILY.COM.

Wisconsin State Journal: Whitewater custom bike builder will debut new line at national bike show

The Wisconsin State Journal has a fine story today, about the success of a local venture, exhibiting admirable creativity, industry, and individuality: John Sotherland [of Bicyclewise] has been building his own custom, light-weight steel bicycles since 2006 with little marketing push. That will change next week when the Whitewater bike shop owner officially launches his Sotherland Custom Bicycles line at the National Handbuilt…

Sundry Libertarian Themes

I’ve had an eclectic set of posts lately, perhaps more even than usual. Someone asked me if there’s a theme to them, and there is. These recent posts reflect a libertarian view (although not exclusively a libertarian one.) I’ll list some posts, with a few remarks on each. First, what do we believe? Libertarians support…

Executive Q&A: ‘I believe in the American dream’

Yes — no better opportunities in all the world: “I believe in the American dream,” said [accountant Julia] Arata-Fratta. “This is a country of opportunity. If you work hard, you are rewarded.”That meant learning the language and renewing her tax accounting skills to re-enter the work force. Now, she’s dedicated to making it easier for…