Government Spending

How’s that new Congress doing?

If the question is how well it’s controlling spending, the answer is that it’s doing great work a terrible job: Republicans took over the U.S. House last November, and as a result, government spending finally dropped. Whoops….Government spending actually increased! They haven’t reported the final numbers yet, but FY 2010 spending was $3.456 trillion, and…

How Politicians, Bureaucrats Pretend They’re Offering Competitive Solutions

A cunning bureaucrat, or a Texas politician, may tell his constituents that he’ll propose charging user fees, rather than using general tax funds, for basic services. He’s sure to contend that this approach makes the services offered more competitive. That’s nonsense, of course. The same government monopoly would exist as before, with the same lack…

The Libertarian Party’s Right on Target on Municipal Debt

A portion of yesterday’s Monday message from the LP appears below, from that party’s executive director. I’ve included the portion that would stand out even if not posted by itself: the role of municipal governments in profligately issuing public debt (as bonds) for local projects. It’s true that increased indebtedness occurs under Republicans as much…

About the S&P Downgrade of the US Credit Rating to AA+

First, from ABC News, see Five Easy-to-Understand Effects of a Downgrade. Second, more generally (and good for classroom use), the Cato Institute has a short video on the importance of the federal credit rating (embedded below). Third, although the change in rating is important, that hardly says the rating agencies are correct now, or in other…

Mark Grannis on Federal Debt

Here’s libertarian Mark Grannis on the national debt. He thinks it more important than other issues facing America. By contrast, I would not place its importance ahead of the defense of fundamental liberties, but would agree that it’s certainly among the most troublesome threats to our future.

The Cost and Camouflage of Grants

There’s an item in the Whitewater city manager’s July 15th Weekly Report that shows how deceptive grants — supposedly free money — can be. First, the cost. Grants for bridges, etc., aren’t free — someone had to earn that grant money, money that found its way to one public or quasi-public organization or another. When…

If Wisconsin can do it, then so can Whitewater

As part of the biennial budget, Wisconsin will now post to the web all state expenses over $100. It may take a while to gather data, but it’s a good idea (one of the few contained in a budget otherwise poorly crafted). If Wisconsin can do this across so many state agencies, then surely Whitewater…

The Fed’s Secret Lending Program

One doesn’t have to be a libertarian critic of the Federal Reserve (Ron Paul being the exemplar) to see that billions in secret loans to financiers represents another example of government over-reach and (as they were at the time secret loans) unaccountability. Here, from, is a segment of Andrew Napolitano’s Freedom Watch, where guests…

Meanwhile, at our business park…

I regularly read the Weekly Report of Whitewater’s city manager. I feel that I’m being helpful by doing so; if I stopped, average readership would likely fall by a third. In the July 8th edition, there’s mention of a new business, Simonswerk, that’s bringing a few jobs to our business park. A few are better…