Government Spending

Congress Gets Off Easy

I’ll leave aside comment on the fairness of the verdicts and sentence in the Casey Anthony case. As for Congress, they deserve what a recent message from the LP dishes — WASHINGTON – Libertarian Party Chair Mark Hinkle released the following statement today: “A lot of people feel like Casey Anthony got off easy. I…

Public Funding of the Arts

Libertarians oppose government funding of art, and there’s a new video from Reason that advances arguments against public funding. Publicly-funded art is easily censored, forces people to pay for ideas they find objectionable, is expensive, and unnecessary.

4.3 Beats 35

There’s a story over at the Janesville Gazette about the budget for UW-Whitewater: WHITEWATER – Gov. Scott Walker’s proposal to slash funding to state universities could drain as much as $4.3 million from UW-Whitewater’s 2011-12 base budget, college administrators estimate. See, Walker plan could cut $4.3 million from UW-W — GazetteXtra. The story comes despite…

Funding a Leadership Search

Whitewater’s Police Commission is conducting the search for a new chief, and there’s a request before Whitewater’s common council for additional funding. Information on the request may be found in the council agenda packet, and in a story about the search published last week in Walworth County Today. See, Whitewater panel seeks more money for…

Libertarian Party’s List of Recent Federal Mistakes

The national Libertarian party’s re-published a list of the top-ten federal government mistakes, with the addition of ten new mistakes. I’ve listed them below — the details for each are available at the LP website. Exec. Dir. Wes Benedict contends that these are mostly mistakes of the Obama Administration, but many of these policies pre-date…

Libertarian Party Blasts Federal Spending Deal

What do libertarians think about the latest spending deal in Washington? We think it’s a bad deal for America. Here’s a press release from the national LP: Libertarians call spending compromise “travesty” WASHINGTON – Libertarian Party Executive Director Wes Benedict issued the following statement today: Just in time for Tax Day, the Republicans and Democrats…

Veronique de Rugy Discusses the “Truth About Nuclear Power” on Bloomberg Television

Veronique de Rugy, of George Mason University’s Mercatus Institute, debunks claims about inexpensive energy from nuclear power. It’s expensive, and often relies on state subsidies. Disclosure: It’s true that, in 2008, I advocated building a nuclear reactor on the site of our current municipal building. See, Go Nuclear! and Update: Go Nuclear! I will concede…

Thirty-Five Million’s Not the Answer

You may have heard that UW-Whitewater’s in line for thirty-five million in construction spending. All those millions, but still a march of UW-Whitewater professors to Madison to protest the governor’s budget. (I posted on the trek, as reported in the Janesville Gazette, on March 23rd at Daily Wisconsin.) Why would they walk all that way?…

Stossel: End Corporate Welfare

Over at Reason, John Stossel writes about the problem – a big, expensive one – of corporate welfare. Particular businesses shouldn’t receive preferential treatment, including taxpayer handouts, from government. Taxes and fees should be lower across the board, and without preference for one corporation over another. Corporate handouts only reduce competitiveness and increase dependency, and…