Government Spending Porkers of the Month for December 2010! – Reason Magazine

Big-government Republicans cling to earmarks — presents Citizen’s Against Government Waste’s Porkers of the Month for December 2010: Sens. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) and James Inhofe (R-Okla.)! After a lopsided election with a strong emphasis on fiscal responsibility, Senate Republicans agreed on a two year moratorium on earmarks. These two refused to go along with…

Jefferson County Board votes down immigration check requirement — Walworth County Today

There’s an objection to open immigration that holds that immigrants should be restricted from entry to prevent their over-reliance on government assistance. (I support open immigration, establishing restrictions only on those who represent a danger to others.) In fact, objections to immigrants’ use of government programs is really an objection to government spending, generally. That’s…

Wisconsin State Journal: Democrats are stunned as state Senate fails to pass union contracts

Chaos — MADISON — Stunned Democrats stripped Senate Majority Leader Russ Decker of his leadership position after he abruptly turned on them and voted against new contracts for state workers…. The deals looked all but dead after Decker’s about-face late Wednesday night. Senate Democrats planned to reconvene at 10 a.m. Thursday, but they can’t approve…

Wisconsin’s Projected Biennial Budget Deficit

There’s much debate — more than there should be — about the size of the projected Wisconsin state budget deficit. In late November, the Doyle Administration announced a projected deficit of only about 1.5 billion dollars. As the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel‘s PolitiFact Wisconsin observes, the projected deficit is closer to 3 billion dollars: An independent…

Fed aid in financial crisis went beyond U.S. banks to industry, foreign firms

Spending so profligate that even the United States Senate’s self-professed socialist from Vermont thinks it’s excessive: The financial crisis stretched even farther across the economy than many had realized, as new disclosures show the Federal Reserve rushed trillions of dollars in emergency aid not just to Wall Street but also to motorcycle makers, telecom firms…

Cato: Five Ways to Cut Military Spending Today

The foundation of Americans’ security is a free, prosperous nation. The U.S. military has an important purpose, protecting Americans, but that purpose has been distorted over the years. Here are five military spending cuts Congress and the President can make today while they undertake the harder task of rethinking the true purpose of the military…

Rep. Paul Ryan on Tax Increases

Here’s Rep. Paul Ryan of Wisconsin’s first congressional district, on federal taxation, as his remarks appeared on Monday, November 15th in USA Today. Ryan is set to become chairman of the House Budget Committee in the new Congress Stop the Tax Hikes By Paul Ryan Congress should act now to prevent across-the-board tax increases from…