Government Spending

Downsizing the (Federal) Government

Last Friday’s comments included proposals to reduce military spending and spending on bridges & bike paths that go nowhere. There’s a lot that’s been said about Alaska’s proposal for a Bridge to Nowhere, but it’s true that we have our own, genuine, half-completed project in Whitewater. We’ve not had the publicity, and reporters’ attention, that…

Cato Institute’s

The Cato Institute has a fine new website, entitled, offering a ‘department by department guide to cutting the federal budget.’ Faced with debilitating federal deficits, for years to come, there’s no better time to consider downsizing government than now. A smaller, more limited government would advance liberty and prosperity. Here’s an advertisement that Cato…

A Referendum for Whitewater’s Schools (Part 3)

There’s a story today about the removal from the ballot of one of two referendum questions concerning our public school district. (The story rightly describes this as a ‘pause.’) See, Whitewater referendum ‘paused’. I’ve written about a referendum approved in August for Whitewater’s public schools. The first question of two authorized for the November ballot…

Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Next Wisconsin Governor Faces Big Deficit

The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel has a story on Wisconsin’s difficult fiscal situation entitled, Next Wisconsin governor faces big deficit. The story has detail and analysis of all three major party candidates’ (Barrett, Walker, Neumann) views. Here’s a summary from the story: The gubernatorial candidates have unveiled plans to deal with a $2.7 billion projected shortfall…

Dockside Inspections, a Lost Decade, and Municipal Obstructionism

Years ago, in the 80s, when trade with Japan was controversial, Americans leveled legitimate criticisms about how Japan used dockside inspections of cargo as a way to prevent importation of foreign goods. The regulations were often small, and although rational individually, they were collectively irrational and counter-productive. By inhibiting free trade, Japan’s insidious protectionism actually… Give Us Liberty? Q&A with Dick Armey & Matt Kibbe of Freedom Works

Here’s a post with two Tea Party supporters, one of whom was once Republican majority leader in Congress. There are differences between the Tea Party movement and libertarianism, but simarities, too. Here’s a description from Reason accompanying the video: Link: Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) is the latest victim of the Tea Party insurgency that’s… Porker of the Month – Congressman Hal Rogers (R-KY)

What led to U.S. Representative Hal Rogers’s victory as the Citizens Against Government Waste’s Porker of the Month? Here’s the description accompanying the embedded video: Conservation or nepotism? Since 2007 Rogers has been promoting a bill which would provide federal grants to overseas wildlife protection for lions and cheetahs. Rogers’ daughter is the grants administrator…