Government Spending

Laffer: “Tax Hikes and the 2011 Economic Collapse”

Arthur Laffer, of the Laffer Curve, writes in the Wall Street Journal of “Tax Hikes and the 2011 Economic Collapse.” It’s sobering, somber reading: Today’s corporate profits reflect an income shift into 2010. These profits will tumble next year, preceded most likely by the stock market…. People can change the volume, the location and the…

America’s War Between Free Enterprise and Government Control

There’s an essay in the Washington Post, that wonders if we face America’s new culture war: Free enterprise vs. government control. Arthur Brooks, president of the American Enterprise Institute, considers the topic and concludes that we do face such a cultural clash. First, Brooks considers the irreconcilable systems of free enterprise and state control: This… Is Hillary Clinton Right That The Rich Don’t Pay “Their Fair Share” in Taxes?

Secretary of State Clinton recently said that productive Americans, among others in the developed world, don’t pay their fair share of taxes. (Clinton offered that observation at the Brookings Institution earlier this week. Clinton was quick to say that she was not speaking for the administration of which she is, after all, a Senate-confirmed cabinet…

Whitewater’s Innovation Center Groundbreaking

I’ve written before about Whitewater’s tech park and Innovation Center, and some of the coverage it’s received. The groundbreaking ceremony for the Innovation Center, held this Tuesday, is another opportunity to review officials’ flimsy claims. Statements at the event were sadly, but predictably, empty. Prior Posts. I’ve written about the Tech Park and Innovation Center…

Libertarian Beliefs and Expectations

Over at Reason’s Hit and Run, Radley Balko offers a concise explanation of the difference between wanting government to fail, and expecting that it will: I don’t promote government failure, I expect it. And my expectations are met fairly often. What I promote is the idea that more people share my expectations, so fewer people… – Reason Saves Cleveland with Drew Carey: Privatize It (Episode 3)

Here’s episode three of the series on saving Cleveland, and by implication lots of other cities, too. In this episode, viewers see how government doesn’t manage produce markets or golf courses very well. Should cities be in the business of running businesses ranging from convention centers to farmers markets? Selling off golf courses, contracting… Reason Saves Cleveland with Drew Carey — Introduction

Drew Carey has a series at about his hometown of Cleveland, Ohio. Cleveland’s a big place, but Carey’s proposals for revitalizing his town would apply to other places in the Midwest, including far smaller ones. Here’s an introduction to his series: Click …to watch Drew introduce the series that just might save his hometown.…