Human Nature

Blaming the Younger Generation

One reads now and again of unruly, uncontrolled – dare one say raucous? – young people. Consider this heartfelt lament: Furthermore, during the last thirty years customs have changed; now when young…get together, if there is not just talk about money matters, loss and gain, secrets, clothing styles, or matters of sex, there is no…

The True Measure of Institutional Greatness

Most communities – even small ones — have a few larger institutions, and Whitewater is no exception. The measure of those institutions is not how they protect their leaders’ reputations, but how they support and nurture the many individuals, separate and distinct, of which they are formed. This is true even when those individuals meet…

Franklin on Success

There’s a famous saying, of Benjamin Franklin, that “success has a thousand fathers, but failure is an orphan.” It’s very true, and evergreen: one often comes upon new examples of this observation. Human nature has not changed, these intervening centuries, and it likely never will. How telling, that for all our many advances, our supposed…