Inbox Reader Mail

Inbox: Reader Mail

It’s been a while since I have posted relies to reader mail, although I have replied to messages privately. Here is a sample of email messages and questions, sometimes verbatim, sometimes paraphrased, along with my answers. The messages are in black, and my replies in blue. What’s a good reference for blogging? I would suggest…

Inbox Reader Mail: Too Many Cars!

Reader George Washington writes about a City of Whitewater notice concerning the number of cars that municipal regulations permit to be parked at a single-family home at any given time. Washington’s remarks in black, my reply in blue. Washington writes: A few landlords have recently received letter stating (due to complaints) that an old ordinance…

Inbox: Reader Mail (From a Downtown Business Owner)

Yesterday, I received two email messages from a downtown merchant, first with concerns about snow removal, and a second message with broader concerns about downtown businesses. The messages were sent, also, to officials at the city. I will post key excerpts from these messages, without identifying the author specifically. (Although copies were sent to city…

Inbox: Reader Mail (No, John Kennedy — Thank You!)

Here is a message I received from a reader with the excellent pen name, “John Kennedy.” Thank you for offering a resource for alternative opinions in our City. I, too, love Whitewater, but agree there are many improvements can be made, and many of them begin with our local government. I wonder why there is…

Inbox: Reader Mail (On the Budget)

I received the following email from a member of the Common Council. I have altered the letter to preserve the anonymity of the author. The email is in black, my reply appears in blue. Mr. Adams, I understand that you, like a fair number of others, do not like some of the provisions in the…

Inbox: Reader Mail

A reader sent an email to me this week with a simple question: Is it fair that a man, accused of wrongdoing, settles a lawsuit through an insurance carrier so he doesn’t have to pay from his own pocket? Here’s my answer: No, it’s not fair. It is conventional, though: most people have insurance coverage…

Inbox: Reader Mail (City Managers)

I received an email this week asking me about my opinion on the difference between the current City Manager, Kevin Brunner, and his predecessor, Gary Boden. The email’s in black, and my reply is in blue. Question: Just wanted to know what your opinion was of the former city manager, Gary Boden compared to the…

Inbox: Reader Mail (ID Theft)

I received two emails from a reader who asked to remain anonymous. One is about supposed identity theft, the second about sundry other matters in Whitewater. Her remarks in black, my reply in blue. As you’ll see, we do not share the same views. Anonymous Reader: Mr. Adams, you stated: “Real identity theft ­ not…

Inbox: Reader Mail (Jefferson on the Register)

Here is a recent email from Thomas Jefferson, who corresponded to FREE WHITEWATER previously, in July. (Great pseudonym, by the way.) His email is in black, and my reply in blue, regarding my post entitled, “The Register’s Echo Chamber.” From Thomas Jefferson: John, I could not agree with you more on the quality, or lack…

Inbox: Reader Mail

Here are replies to several email messages that I have received recently. I will answer some of these questions and points (in each case, I have already replied privately to the person writing, but will post excerpts of my replies and elaborations here). Here are paraphrases of questions (or comments) that I’ve received recently, in…

Inbox: Reader Mail

I received the following email this week, in reply to my post entitled, “Observing Living Conditions,” from a concerned, involved citizen. First the email in black, and my replies in blue. Dear Mr. Adams, I just wanted to e-mail you to thank you for your opinions on this issue of student housing in Whitewater. It…