
Balko on Concealment and Dishonesty in Northern Virginia

The battle for openness in government is a difficult but necessary one. In some parts of the country, notably northern Virgina, some police departments are doing everything they can to prevent greater openness. Radley Balko of Reason writes about how departments in that state batten on the legitimate need for public safety to justify their…

Instapundit – A Prosecutor on the War Against Photography

The principal attribute of a campaign against photography, or the encroachment on private property rights (see, “Is a Man’s Home Still His Castle? – Washington Examiner“) is that officials aim to take from American citizens rights that Americans now have, and have historically had. This is the dark – and reactionary — side of contemporary…

Is a man’s home still his castle? | Washington Examiner

But to arrest someone who is unmistakably on their own property, and doing nothing remotely illegal, is an abuse of power pure and simple. Even if it were true that Gibson was endangering herself by witnessing the traffic stop from the confines of her front porch, how could that possibly be construed as “resisting arrest”…

Jonathan Tobin: The Federal Government’s Steroids Problem

A waste of resources, and prosecutorial grandstanding. These cases suck time and money that should be allocated against violent crime. Tobin has it just right: The news today that former baseball great Roger Clemens has been indicted on federal perjury charges will, no doubt, serve as the catalyst for another outpouring of moral outrage about…

State, ACLU to settle suit over female prisoner care – JSOnline

It was right for the State of Wisconsin to settle — a justice system where a prison for men provides preferential medical care compared with a prison for women is no justice system at all. The state must spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to provide female prisoners with the same level of health care…

Trial by Jury in Civil Lawsuits

In A Libertarian’s Misplaced Attack on the Constitution, Ken Connor defends the common law — and later U.S. Constitution’s Seventh Amendment protection of trial by jury: “In suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a…

Divorcing Marriage and Government

There’s considerable talk about a federal judge’s ruling involving California’s Proposition 8, a proposition that defines marriage under California law. There’s discussion of the ruling, laws and constitutional provisions in other states that are similar to Proposition 8, and the politics of it all. Like most libertarians, I don’t think these discussions are broad enough…

Milwaukee Journal Sentinel On Wisconsin Attorney General Van Hollen’s Memo on Email and Public Records

There’s much to consider about Wisconsin’s Public Records Law, before and after the Wisconsin Supreme Court’s decision in Schill v. Wisconsin Rapids School District . Attorney General Van Hollen — who has been fair in analyzing Wisconsin’s Public Records Law (Wis. Stat. 19.31-19.39) and Open Meetings Law (Wis. Stat. 19.81-19.98) — offered a memorandum on…