
Let Ieshuh Griffin Run with Her Chosen Description on the Wisconsin Ballot

I’d never heard of Ieshuh Griffin, an independent candidate for a seat in Wisconsin’s Assembly, until Wednesday. I read yesterday about the Government Accountability Board’s denial of her request to describe her candidacy on the November ballot with the words “NOT the Whiteman’s Bitch.” (Candidates may have a brief description of their candidacies on the…

“You’ll Follow This Law, and You’ll Like It. And Don’t Roll Your Eyes at Me, Young Lady” – Hit & Run : Reason Magazine

A community wants to impose a penalty for eye rolling at a meeting. An American community. More absurd still, they’ve asked their city attorney to research the matter. Among the books they’ve asked him to consult is Roberts Rules of Order. It’s a venerable guide, but imagine someone so clueless that he’d use it as…

Wisconsin Supreme Court Deadlocks in the Gableman Ethics Case

Wisconsin’s newest Supreme Court justice, Michael Gableman, is embroiled in an ethics case, and Wednesday night (!) that court deadlocked on whether Gableman committed misconduct. See, Supreme Court Deadlocks in Gableman Ethics Case. The issue before the court was. as Ryan Foley of the Associated Press notes, was “whether Justice Michael Gableman violated the judicial… “Citizenship and the Pursuit of Happiness”

Over an Independence Day holiday, I can think of no more inspiring story than that of people who have become American citizens. Enjoy. “ caught up with immigrants to learn why they moved to a country that defines itself as a multicultural melting pot. Citizenship: The Pursuit of Happiness was produced and edited by Dan…

Can Government Tell You What You Must Eat? Is There No Limit to Federal Power Under The Commerce Clause?

There’s a lot of commentary about the Kagan nomination, although public interest seems tepid. I’ve not mentioned anything about her nomination, mostly because I have no strong view. I believe she’s surely adequately qualified in education, experience, and intellect. She’s no one’s ideal nominee, but absent a showing of official misconduct, the president’s qualified nominees…

Good, Open Government and Email

Wisconsin has both a Public Records Law (Wis. Stat. ss. 19.31-19.39 (2003)), and an Open Meetings Law (Wis. Stat. ss. 19.81-19.98. Both are designed to ensure that citizens will have access to government actions in communication and deliberation. These laws represent the goal of an open Wisconsin, committed to good and open, limited and responsible…

The City of Whitewater’s Test of Impartiality and Fairness

I wrote last week about the City of Whitewater’s survey for information about a community calendar on the municipal website. See, Community Calendars. FREE WHITEWATER’s not really a community calendar, but there are private ones already available, so the city’s suggestion that it might produce its own version is odd. There’s no insuperable impediment to…

The Ineffectual and Tragic Approach

We have every reason to be concerned about the dangers of drug dependency for individuals and society; we have no reason to persist in trying to overcome drug dependency with the costly and ineffectual methods we’ve used these past three decades. Illegal narcotics are a bad thing; the methods of the war on drugs haven’t…