
Libertarian Group Wants Cleveland Native Drew Carey to Run Against Sherrod Brown for US Senate Seat in 2012

A group of libertarian conservatives is trying to convince “Price is Right” host and comedian Drew Carey to run in the Ohio Republican senate primary and then hopefully defeat Democratic incumbent Sherrod Brown. So far, no major Republican candidates have surfaced. Conservative activist Josiah Schmidt has already set up a website and a Facebook fan…

Lessons from Atlas Shrugged

Here’s a fine video about what the videographer learned from Atlas Shrugged. I’m a libertarian, rather than an Objectivist (as I’d guess the videographer is), but the video offers an appeal to both groups. (Libertarianism is a political view, of individual rights and limited government, and has no inherent suspicion of religion, as Objectivism does.…

Fox News War on Libertarianism?

Fox Business Channel is still significantly libertarian, but Fox News does seem to have turned. No matter: Fox News pretended to support true conservatism [libertarians] for a while. But when they discovered that libertarians and conservatives alike will never respect their [Fox’s] neo-conservative tendencies, they tried to convince everyone else libertarians probably didn’t taste too…

More about Atlas Shrugged, Part I

Here’s a broad description of the upcoming film Atlas Shrugged, hitting theaters in April: “The whole theme of the movie is, really, human evil,” says Brian O’Toole, the screenwriter behind Atlas Shrugged Part I, the feature adaptation of Ayn Rand’s influential novel. “And human evil springs from good intentions.” O’Toole and producer Harmon Kaslow tell…

Why Scott Walker’s Not a Libertarian

This post’s title is a bit of a joke: it should be obvious that Gov. Walker’s not a libertarian. (He’s certainly not a Libertarian; he’s a career, and careerist, Republican.) Libertarians advocate liberty, individual rights, limited government, and peaceful international relations. Libertarians place liberty first. Walker talks little about individual rights, about freedom of the…

Sundry Libertarian Themes

I’ve had an eclectic set of posts lately, perhaps more even than usual. Someone asked me if there’s a theme to them, and there is. These recent posts reflect a libertarian view (although not exclusively a libertarian one.) I’ll list some posts, with a few remarks on each. First, what do we believe? Libertarians support…

Catholicism and Libertarianism | Cato @ Liberty

I’ve met Catholics who’ve expressed interest in libertarianism, but have been concerned that libertarian positions might be inimical to Catholic teaching. They need not be worried, as Cato’s Michael F. Cannon explains: Michael Gerson’s claim that “Catholic social teaching is simply not libertarian” [“A Catholic Test for Politics,” Feb. 8], reveals that Gerson either does…

Crybaby Whiner Upset About Libertarian Popularity

Over at, Kevin McCullough disparages libertarians, and whines that libertarians somehow ‘hijacked’ the Conservative Political Action Conference straw poll, a survey in which libertarian Ron Paul took first place. McCullough sees libertarians as both disrespectful and dangerous. Oh, please; he should reflect on his own faction’s many shortcomings rather than cast aspersions on the…

Libertarians spoil Donald Rumsfeld/Dick Cheney reunion at CPAC

It’s the second time this week that libertarians in the GOP have done something American lefties agree with. Earlier in the week, a startling temporary coalition of liberal Dems and libertarian Republicans squelched the re-authorization of parts of the Patriot Act, in protest of the law’s disregard for Americans’ civil liberties…. Via Libertarians spoil Donald…