
Life with the Pauls, a Libertarian Family

There’s a story at the New York Times website about the Pauls, a libertarian family that’s typical of many libertarian families except in the political prominence of father and son. See, For Paul Family, Libertarian Ethos Began at Home. Here are descriptions of family life in the household: In keeping with their position as the…

Terry Michael’s Defense of Libertarianism

Almost everyone in American who is burdened of politics knows what a fuss Rand Paul, a senate candidate from Kentucky, raised through his remarks on the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Paul and his father are libertarians, but also candidates of the Republican party. The left has made great sport of the younger Paul’s remarks, not… Rulemaking Matters!

I posted on May 18th about an Environmental Protection Agency contest, entitled “Rulemaking Matters,” that offers twenty-five hundred deficit-financed dollar ($2,500) prize “for the public to explain federal rulemaking and motivate others to participate in the rulemaking process.” The libertarians of submitted three videos to the EPA, one of which I embedded before. See,…

Libertarian John Stossel in New York Magazine

There’s a brief article in New York Magazine about libertarian John Stossel. Stossel now has his own show on the Fox Business Network, after almost thirty years at ABC. (Fox Business and Fox News are different channels.) The article shares a few tidbits that one may not have heard before, including the enmity that the…

The Libertarian Environmentalist

Here’s a post from the entitled, “The Libertarian Environmentalist: A New Beginning of Localism,” advocating for the individual’s indispensable role in conservation. The post is well worth reading — here’s its conclusion: The true environmental movement begins with the direct experience of an individual and cannot be furthered by governmental law. True environmentalism and…

Vote for the Institute for Justice for a Webby Award

The Webby Awards are accepting votes, and the Institute for Justice – a libertarian, public interest law firm – is up for one of the awards. They’ve produced sharp and interesting presentations in support of their work on behalf of economic liberty and fundamental rights. I’ve been happy to post their some of their work.…

Libertarianism as an Experience

Over at Reason‘s blog, Radley Balko writes about how some people become libertarians: I’ve long had a theory that most people don’t find libertarianism so much as it happens to them. They find themselves on the receiving end of some sort of government incompetence or abuse, or they know someone who is, and it starts…

Institute for Justice Case on Civil Asset Forfeiture

I posted yesterday on the risk to communities of burdening law enforcement with a profit motive. Here’s an example, from Texas, of how distorted and unfair civil asset forfeiture can become. A news video describes the situation of a client of the Institute for Justice, Zaher El-Ali, whose Chevy Silverado was seized, even though he…

Libertarian Beliefs and Expectations

Over at Reason’s Hit and Run, Radley Balko offers a concise explanation of the difference between wanting government to fail, and expecting that it will: I don’t promote government failure, I expect it. And my expectations are met fairly often. What I promote is the idea that more people share my expectations, so fewer people…

The Institute for Justice

I’ve added a link to my blogroll for the Institute for Justice, a civil liberties law firm. A tagline from their website tells their tale succinctly: “Litigating for Liberty.” Their motto, “We change the world, and have fun doing it,” tells how much they enjoy their work. If you’ve not visited their site, it’s surely…

Could a Libertarian Run a Competitive Campaign Against President Obama? Yes.

Over at Rasmussen Reports, there’s a poll asking about a matchup in 2012 between President Obama and libertarian-oriented Ron Paul. The results aren’t surprising – there’s a considerable support for a libertarian-leaning candidate, even if people don’t always refer to support for free markets, individual liberty, and limited government by using the term libertarian. In…