
Tonight on Fox Business Channel: Just What is a Libertarian? 7 PM Central

There’s a panel discussion tonight on John Stossel’s program on the topic, “Just what is a libertarian?” Prominent libertarians including P.J. O’Rourke and David Boaz of Cato will offer answers to that question. My own quick answer would rely on the Cato Institute’s motto: advocacy of individual liberty, limited government, free markets and peace. Still,… Encourage Bottom-Up Redevelopment – Reason Saves Cleveland With Drew Carey, Ep. 5

Here’s the next episode of Drew Carey’s series on ideas to save Cleveland, and by implication lots of other places, too. Cleveland has spent billions on big-ticket urban redevelopment efforts including heavily subsidized sports stadiums and convention centers that have utterly failed to revitalize the city’s economy. Should the city be pouring even more money… Reason Saves Cleveland with Drew Carey (Take Care of Business), Episode 4

Here’s a discussion of how hard it can be to use one’s own money profitably to establish a business. In the video below, many business owners are even unwilling to discuss their frustrations on camera, from concern that spiteful bureaucrats will retaliate against them. Unfortunately, that’s a problem in many cities, including ones far smaller… – Reason Saves Cleveland with Drew Carey: Privatize It (Episode 3)

Here’s episode three of the series on saving Cleveland, and by implication lots of other cities, too. In this episode, viewers see how government doesn’t manage produce markets or golf courses very well. Should cities be in the business of running businesses ranging from convention centers to farmers markets? Selling off golf courses, contracting… Reason Saves Cleveland With Drew Carey, Ep. 2 (Fix the Schools)

I’ve posted before on the series from Drew Carey, entitled, “Reason Saves Cleveland with Drew Carey.”  Today, I’m posting Episode Two from that series, about the Cleveland public schools. I’ve not posted recently on our schools, and for that lack of attention, I’m surely culpable.  (There are no column-inch limitations in cyberspace — there… Reason Saves Cleveland with Drew Carey — The Decline of a Once-Great City Reason Saves Cleveland with Drew Carey — The Decline of a Once-Great City Here’s the first full episode of Drew Carey’s series on Cleveland, and ways to revitalize the city. Sixty years ago, Cleveland was a booming city full of promise, opportunity, and people. Today, the city’s population is less half of what it… Reason Saves Cleveland with Drew Carey — Introduction

Drew Carey has a series at about his hometown of Cleveland, Ohio. Cleveland’s a big place, but Carey’s proposals for revitalizing his town would apply to other places in the Midwest, including far smaller ones. Here’s an introduction to his series: Click …to watch Drew introduce the series that just might save his hometown.… Gov. Gary Johnson on His Economic Vision for “Our America”

From, here’s a half-hour presentation from former New Mexico Gov. Gary Johnson on free market economic solutions for America. Here’s a description from Reason: On Tuesday, February 9, in the midst of one of the biggest snowstorms in recent Washington, D.C. memory, former New Mexico Gov. Gary Johnson and Harvard economist (and Reason contributor)…

Libertarianism Is Real Conservatism

Jack Hunter writes at The American Conservative that libertarianism is real conservatism. That’s true, as a conservatism before the right became interested in big public programs and meddlesome interference with private lives. (There’s a way, of course, that we seem bold compared with a stodgy, government-dependent right. That’s why those unfamiliar with libertarian principles think…

The Libertarian Message

There’s an essay online from W.E. Messamore entitled, We’re All Libertarians Now. Of course, we’re not, and Messamore’s not being literal — he’s observing the power of a libertarian message — a message he supports and shares. The libertarian message of limited government and respect for individual liberty is a powerful one, always but especially…

“Quiet Libertarian Victories”

Jeremy Lott has a brief essay entitled, Quiet Libertarian Victories, about how the last year has proved libertarians right about their core principles, and some successes effecting change toward more liberty. Lott observes that The last several years have not been easy for libertarians to stomach. The U.S. government, which had bloated under President George…

Reason Online: Dramatic Olbermann vs. Dramatic Chipmunk

Over at Reason, Nick Gillespie writes about Keith Olbermann, in a post entitled, Dramatic Olbermann vs. Dramatic Chipmunk. Gillespie writes of Olbermann: No one is more self dramatizing on cable news than male hysteric, unsolicited janitor of Cooperstown, and Countdown host Keith Olbermann, who includes more special effects during his Castro-length “Special Comment” segments than…

Libertarian Cato Institute Deservedly Named One of World’s Leading Think Tanks

Congratulations to the Cato Institute, named one of the leading policy institutes in the world, following a major academic survey. Libertarians have reason for confidence in their views in any event, but the policy scholars at Cato are admirably advancing ideas for “individual liberty, free markets, and peace.” Now you know, and I know, that…