
Left and Right Worth Reading

I’m a libertarian — neither Republican nor Democrat, conservative nor progressive.  That doesn’t mean that I don’t read from among advocates of left and right.  I am quite sure that I read more from those who are of either view than I do of libertarians.  It would be foolish to avoid so many clever people…

Bush’s Third Term – Cato @ Liberty

Sounds impossible, right? Not really – Tad DeHaven, budget analyst at the Cato Institute, has a handy table showing how similar George W. Bush and Barack Obama really are. See, Bush’s Third Term. Take a look – you may be surprised at what you discover.

The Libertarian Vote

Blogger and law professor Ilya Somin has a post up called ‘The Libertarian Vote,’ in which he describes recent findings on the number of libertarians in America: David Kirby and David Boaz have published a new Cato Institute study estimating the size of the “libertarian vote.” They conclude that about 14% of American voters are… – For This Libertarian, Obama’s First Year Looks Grim

David Boaz, executive vice president of the libertarian Cato Institute, offers thoughtful remarks on where the Obama Administration has gone wrong, and what the president might do about it. By pressing such a big-government program, Obama has energized a small-government element in the electorate that had been demoralized and pushed aside by a big-government Republican…

Shelby Steele on Reagan

From Shelby Steele’s essay, “Obama and Our Post-Modern Race Problem,” where Steele comments on Reagan: Reagan reached the White House through a great deal of what is called “individuating”—that is he took principled positions throughout his long career that jeopardized his popularity, and in so doing he came to know who he was as a…

Rep. Paul Ryan on Business and Markets

Whitewater, Wisconsin is divided between two congressional districts, one of which is served by Rep. Paul Ryan. The online Washington Examiner has a brief opinion piece called, “Paul Ryan’s Free-Market Populism.” The article mentions an essay that Ryan recently wrote for Forbes in which he decried the tendency of large corporations to seek government handouts…

Who Killed Bambi?

Like all libertarians, I recognize the clear Second Amendment right of individuals to bear arms. Although I’m not heading out to hunt this weekend, I wish those who do so a good time and good prospects. I also know that our hunting culture – very much a part of our heritage on this continent –…

Neither More Nor Less

In my last two posts, Whitewater’s Best Hopes and The Invitation to Come to Whitewater from Contemporary America, immediately below, I discussed the opportunities that immigrants and students offer Whitewater. Although they’ve been met with acceptance in many quarters, they’ve been met with stubborn and self-destructive opposition from a few. Once here, and living and…