Libertarians John Mackey’s Conscious Capitalism Here’s a description accompanying the video: When he started his first organic food store in Austin, Texas in 1978, Whole Foods Market CEO and co-founder John Mackey had no idea that he would eventually usher in not just a revolution in how we shop but what we buy. If you dig being able to… Unlocked and Cracking the Education Monopoly

It’s video Thursday at FREE WHITEWATER, and here are two videos on parental choice in education. The first is entitled, “Unlocked,” and describes the fight of parents for a better education for their children. It now has a companion film called “Cracking the Education Monoploy,” about that same fight. I’ll post both videos, in order.…

Manger Suggests Palin as 2012 ‘Libertarian’ Presidential Candidate

Long-standing libertarian Phil Manger has suggested Sarah Palin as a libertarian presidential candidate. She might run as an independent, a libertarian-oriented Republican, or (although this wasn’t Manger’s suggestion) a member of the LP. Under any scenario, she’d receive more votes than 2008 LP candidate Bob Barr if she did run as a presidential candidate. See,… Live from the September 12 Taxpayer March on Washington

Here’s a description accompanying the video: Are the Tea Party protesters a small group of radical freakazoids or a large crew of taxpaying regular joes who are fed up with government spending, Democrats and Republicans, and business as usual? fanned out through the crowd and the backstage of the September 12 Taxpayer March on…

David Harsanyi: Civility is Overrated – The Denver Post

Over at the Denver Post, David [not Daniel!] Harsanyi has a great column on how civility is overrated. Harsanyi’s right: A “focus on civility is meant to cloud another issue. Let’s not confuse personal civility with political civility. A ‘civil’ citizenry can mean a pliable citizenry, waiting – sometimes forever – to speak their minds.… Government Providing ‘Country Roads to Serfdom’

It’s video Thursday at FREE WHITEWATER, and here’s a video from’s Rough Cut blog, about the failure of government spending to improve conditions for West Virginia. Here’s a description accompanying the video: For decades, West Virginia has looked to the government to solve their economic problems, only to find themselves falling further behind. Today,…

From Bjorn Lomborg — What’s the Best Way to Live with Global Warming?

Over at, there’s an interview with Bjorn Lomborg, asking, What’s the Best Way to Live with Global Warming? Here’s a description of the interview: What’s the best way for humanity to reduce suffering from man-made global warming? No individual has been a stronger voice for rational cost-benefit analysis on this issue than Bjorn Lomborg,… British MEP Daniel Hannan on YouTube Superstardom, the NHS, and His Libertarian Plan for Britain

I previously posted a video clip of a British member of the European parliament in Brussels dressing down British Prime Minister Gordon Brown.  (See, Candid Talk About…England.)  The MEP was Daniel Hannan, well-known in England.   Hannan’s back in an interview with, entitled, “British MEP Daniel Hannan on YouTube Superstardom, the NHS, and His Libertarian Plan…

The Antidote to Grim Forecasts

What will Whitewater do, in the face of grim economic and fiscal forecasts from Washington? Set aside the temptation – so very strong in Whitewater, Wisconsin – to say that all our hard decisions were the fault of some federal politician. They’re not – we’ve made poor choices long before the current Congress. There’s a…