
“Eight Reasons Why Big Government Hurts Economic Growth”

Reason’s group video blog offers the first of two videos on economic and fiscal policy. Here’s the description accompanying the video: This Center for Freedom and Prosperity Foundation video analyzes how excessive government spending undermines economic performance. While acknowledging that a very modest level of government spending on things such as “public goods” can facilitate… What Do You Get When You Cross Ronald Reagan and Woody Harrelson? offers a range of videos including interviews with with libertarian-leaning candidates. (In these interviews, one sometimes sees how much the Republicans have fallen from their best days, when one hears a Republican politician who still embodies that small-government spirit.) Here’s a description accompanying the video: Recently,’s Ted Balaker sat down with California State…

Family and City

I wanted to take a moment, before another Common Council session goes by, to comment on remarks at our last Common Council meeting, from August 4th.  In considering whether to abolish or suspend Whitewater’s Tree Commission, a career bureaucrat made the following observation: What I would suggest is that if there’s dysfunction in the family,… “I Want your Clunk!”

Cash for Clunkers gained notoriety as a federal program that quickly ran out of money (new funding followed). recently satirized the program, pointing out problems with the program far beyond poor cost estimates. Here’s a description accompanying the video: Come on down to Uncle Sugar’s Auto Mall! It’s the CASH FOR CLUNKERS EXTRAVAGANZA… Glenn “Instapundit” Reynolds on Blogging, Heinleinian Libertarianism, and why the Republicans are “Less Bad.”

One of the most popular bloggers in America is law professor and author Glenn Reynolds. He recently conducted an interview with Here’s a description of the video: At Reason’s DC office, Editor in Chief Nick Gillespie recently sat down with super blogger Glenn Reynolds of and PJTV . Reynolds, who has…

“Rorschach Doesn’t Shrug”

Months ago, the film version of the Watchmen reached theaters.  The graphic novel on which the film was based was highly celebrated, but I thought the film only middling.  One of the characters, though, caught the attention of libertarians: Rorschach, one of the costumed vigilantes who are protagonists of the novel and film.   Over at…

Music Monday: Oingo Boingo — Capitalism

Here’s a weekly feature, offering a post of a libertarian-themed song, each Monday. Here is Oingo Boingo, with Capitalism. I posted it once before, and it’s my favorite Oingo song. The video is from AraMiraBlack. (Lyrics appear below.) There’s nothing wrong with Capitalism There’s nothing wrong with free enterprise Don’t try to make me feel…

From P.J. O’Rourke: “Where was the Government with Studebaker?”

P.J. O’Rourke, author of the fine Parliament of Whores, among many other good books, sat down with Reason’s Ted Balaker for an interview.   Here are excerpts from a description accompanying the fifteen-minute interview: P.J. O’Rourke is a 21st-century H.L. Mencken—a libertarian satirist and quote-machine who’s deeply suspicious of most any office-holder (“Politics is the attempt to…

TV from California After Arnold

NBC used to bill its Thursday evening lineup, and other parts of its schedule, as “Must See TV.”  In a time when broadcast television mattered far more than now, it was a successful branding effort.   Here’s a recent video from a different source, libertarian —  After Arnold: California Gubernatorial Candidate Tom Campbell on Fixing…

Sam Adams Alliance

UPDATE, 8:44 PM — Link’s now fixed — Sorry about that! Here’s a link to the Sam Adams Alliance, an organization “leading a new revolution for liberty by training, inspiring, and empowering people to utilize new media tools (blogging, twitter, wikis) to advance economic freedom and individual liberty. By linking liberty-minded citizens throughout the country…

Cats and Ice Cream

I’ve had a fair number of questions about my post this week on cats and ice cream cones – What does it mean? Really, just what it says – that’s all. There is no hidden meaning (and I really do like cats, by the way). Kass’s notions of what’s appropriate are simply narrow, cramped, and… “Liberal and Conservative Agree on Bill of Rights…”

I’ve said that there’s little local difference between liberals and conservatives in Whitewater. I’m sure it’s true — conservative support for markets is slight here, with so many on the right looking for government intervention for their favored projects. Progressive support for rights and equal treatment — something opportunity conservatives support just as much —…