
Howard Roark as Frank Lloyd Wright

Yesterday was the anniversary of Frank Lloyd Wright’s birth. I thought I’d follow up with a movie clip, from Rand’s Fountainhead. Ayn Rand often denied that the Fountainhead‘s architect Howard Roark was based on Frank Lloyd Wright. (She did, however, commission a home from FLW, one that was never built.) Still, the real and fictional…

Ultra-Sophisticated Terrorist Quiz

From Reason Magazine‘s website, an online TERRORIST QUIZ. See how I did: Adams’s Results. (I’ve no idea if Whitewater’s Chief Coan had a hand in designing the quiz, or if he intends to incorporate it as an investigative tool. Can’t be any worse than his prior efforts.)

Mercatus Center at George Mason University – Freedom in the 50 States: An Index of Personal and Economic Freedom

For George Mason University’s Mercatus Center, professors William Ruger and Jason Sorens, tenured elsewhere, have published a study of American liberties entitled, “Freedom in the Fifty States.” The scholars define “individual freedom as the ability to dispose of one’s own life, liberty, and justly acquired property however one sees fit, so long as one does…

The Libertarian Party Writes

In December, I received and posted a cheery dour Christmas email from Libertarian Party presidential candidate Bob Barr. (See, from December 22nd, a post entitled, Libertarian Bob Barr Says Hello.) Well, I saw that the LP’s Director of Communications, Andrew Davis, must really care about me, too, because yesterday I received his email (and he’s…

Libertarian Bob Barr Says Hello

I get a good deal of email, but imagine my surprise when Libertarian Bob Barr wrote to me, using my given name, to wish me a Merry Christmas. I will walk around all day, now, with a warm, holiday, free enterprise glow. (Quickly, before someone writes to tease me – Yes, I know that, really,…

Libertarians as a Loyal, Zealous, Principled Opposition to Obama

Yesterday, I posted on Nick Gillespie and Matt Welch’s view that a new ‘libertarian moment’ awaits America, and that the best days for libertarianism are yet ahead.  Their optimism was general, not specific to any strategy.  Reason follows that article from its December issue with another, from January’s issue, on how libertarians will argue against…

December’s Reason Magazine: “The Libertarian Moment.”

In our time of unfolding recession, criticism of free exchange, and bailouts, one might conclude that the libertarian way of life is a faint shadow from another time.  Nothing could be more false.  Over at Reason, Nick Gillespie and Matt Welch persuasively contend, in the Libertarian Moment, that far from ending, a new libertarian era…

Smoking in a Nanny State

I don’t smoke, although reading about Democrats’ plans to try (again) for a statewide smoking ban makes me think about lighting up in protest. Having now secured the majority in both chambers of the legislature, in a state suffering a projected budget deficit, and a declining economy, someone must think that keeping tavern patrons from…

ACLU’s Actions for Restoring America: Day One

Limited government is good government. The ACLU’s efforts to limit government power, power that often denies rights of oversight, have been useful for America. At the ACLU’s website, there’s a program entitled, “Actions for Restoring America,” listing steps a new federal administration can take on its first day, within 100 days, and beyond. Here are…

Contrasting Barr and Nader on Obama’s Victory

Libertarian presidential candidate Bob Barr had this to say about Obama’s election victory: It just illustrates the tremendous demographic changes, generational changes in this country. This really is a very different country, in some ways much better country, than it was several years ago. Grandstanding septuagenarian crackpot independent presidential candidate Ralph Nader had a different…