
Libertarian Bob Barr on the Bailout

Here’s a typical Barr campaign video for the Internet – Barr’s not running national television commercials, as there’s no money for that.  (There have been some radio spots – new for the LP nationally.)  In his video spots, Barr speaks in an informal setting, across a desk, and describes an LP position in a few…

Libertarian Barr’s Share of the Presidential Vote?

I wrote recently about Bob Barr’s Libertarian Party candidacy last week.  One of the bases for a right-leaning Libertarian candidacy was that Barr would siphon voters from Republicans disaffected with McCain.  In late June, that seemed like a good bet for Barr.  It took six ballots, but Barr won the LP nomination, with hopes of…

Observations on Libertarian Party Candidate Bob Barr, Early October

1.       Barr was a right of center choice, with prosecutorial and congressional experience.  He’s a nominee that left-of-center libertarians did not trust.  They still don’t.   2.       Some leading LP members backed Barr because they believed he could increase the historical LP share of the vote from around 1% nationally to far higher, especially in…

Libertarian Barr (Halfway) in the Presidential Debates

Last Friday, September 26th, the Libertarian Presidential nominee, Bob Barr, appeared at Reason’s Headquarters to participate on a live streaming video of the debate, and answer questions afterward. (The live stream allowed Barr to answer questions as though he were in the debate.) In the clip below, Barr offers what would have been a closing…

The Ever-Expanding Security State

The current federal administration is in its last months, but its efforts to expand powers of surveillance is unslaked. The ACLU reports on the latest federal power grab: Under far-reaching new guidelines proposed by Attorney General Michael Mukasey…[a]ll the FBI has to do to put you or any American under prolonged physical surveillance is assert…

Banned Books Week

Over at the Janesville Gazette, there’s a blog entry entitled, “Blacklisted” on Stacy Vogel’s Cover to Cover blog. Vogel ably lists some of the books that have been the target of book banners, including, impossibly, a book by Shel Silverstein, as she recounts: And if you’re worried the works will be dirty or violent, fear…

I Am a Constitution Voter

The American Civil Liberties Union has an election season initiative called, I Am a Constitution Voter. It’s a fine campaign, and just the antidote to a season of partisan campaigning. Here are the principles of the I Am a Constitution Voter pledge: I believe that no one — including the President — is above the…

“Who Do You Hate in ’08?”

From, a video that asks if voting against a national candidate means that you’re somehow bigoted. What will it be? Sexist, racist, ageist, or elitist? I’d rather not be any of them, but elitist seems the least objectionable of the four. Forget possible insults — vote your conscience on sound principles — there are…

Palin Limits the 2008 Libertarian Candidate. 

The Libertarian Party chose Bob Barr, a former GOP congressman turned LP member, as its standard-bearer to present a more moderate libertarian image to America.  This sparked concern among left-leaning libertarians, but party leaders were sure it was the correct, and right, direction.       Surely Barr would be able to attract a wider level…