
Teasing on a Pro-Obama Music Video

Many have likely seen the pro-Obama music video, “American Prayer,” but libertarian takes a satirical look at the video in light of Obama’s oft-professed desire to transform the American economy and preserve American jobs.

Libertarian Bob Barr Chats with the Washington Post

Bob Barr spoke to readers of the Washington Post via chat on August 21st. Here are excerpts from that interview: On Energy Policy – Bob Barr: “I believe that we need to produce more of our basic fuel needs right here in the U.S. We should remove prohibitions to offshore drilling and exploration in ANWR.…

Joe Biden: Not So Fond of Limited Government

Senator Obama chose another, and less impressive, senator as his running mate. Much sport will be had at the expense of Joe Biden, a gaffe-prone, entrenched incumbent. Look at him seriously, though, and you find something worse: a career politician who has neither time nor understanding for limited government. David Boaz recalls Biden’s theatrics in…

Center for Small Government: “Small Government is Beautiful”

Carla Howell is a libertarian activist and president of the Center for Small Government. A renaissance woman, she’s also a singer-songwriter. She’s successfully placed initiatives on the ballot in her native Massachusetts to end the state income tax, and her efforts have won significant backing – in 2004, 45% of voters in her state supported…

The ‘Neo Prohibitionists’ and Science

Earlier this week, I posted on a proposal from over 100 college presidents to begin debate on lowering the drinking age. The proposal was only to begin debate, but that alone is too much for those ‘Neo Prohibitionists,’ like those at Mothers Against Drunk Driving, who argue against a lower age on the basis of…

The World’s Smallest Political Quiz

Your friends, if you call them such, probably send you any number of chain emails each day with polls, quizzes, and personality tests. I’ll offer you one, too, but at least I’ve not sent it to you. Here’s a quiz called the World’s Smallest Political Quiz, from the Advocates for Self-Government website. The website is…

McClatchy Newspapers Assess Libertarian Barr’s Candidacy

The McClatchy newspapers have an assessment of Libertarian Party candidate Bob Barr’s impact so far. I think it’s half right — (1) Barr is having a great deal of trouble raising money, but it’s (2) not because he’s in Paul’s shadow (as quoted political scientist Steven Schier contends). I think a commenter remarking on the…

Disproportionate Federal Sentence in a Medical Marijuana Case

I don’t condone or support illegal drug use in any way. I would prefer, however, that each state had the option to change its laws so that medical use of marijuana was lawful, without federal interference. In California, and about a dozen other states, medical marijuana is lawful. Federal law does not recognize medical marijuana…