
Freedom Fest 2008: The Future of Politics

Here’s a video of a panel discussion at Freedom Fest 2008, a gathering of libertarian authors and scholars. This panel includes Steve Forbes, David Boaz, Richard Viguerie, and Bob Barr, discussing the Future of Politics. The event was held this year in mid July in Las Vegas. (Here’s a link to the impressive list of…

Pajamas Media: “Will Barr Have an Impact on Presidential Race?”

Over at Pajamas Media, there’s an article asking, “Will Barr Have an Impact on Presidential Race?” It’s an article that combines a description of Barr’s views with an assessment of his likely impact. Here’s the impact assessment: The campaign seems under no illusions about their chance of victory, describing it to me as “a long,…

Libertarians Defend Against a National ID

Here’s a video with Libertarian candidate for president Bob Barr explaining the serious problems with a national ID, called a “Real ID” in federal legislation. Over at Reason, Kerry Howley offers additional arguments against this jump in federal power, in her article, “Hiding From REAL ID: Why Honest People Might Run from a National ID…

Defending Third Party (Libertarian) Ballot Access in Massachusetts

In Massachusetts, the ACLU has filed suit against the Secretary of State’s office for their refusal to place Libertarian Party presidential candidate Bob Barr on the November ballot. From‘s Political Intelligence column, here are the details: The central issue in this case is the restriction of ballot access for third parties, which has been…

Hello, New Libertarian Readers

I have gained libertarian readers since I started publishing FREE WHITEWATER in May 2007. That’s a guess based on email, and on the sites from which I receive visitors, from Wisconsin and beyond. You are always welcome. I’m from a movement family, too. I know what it’s like to read what you’ve read, follow politics…

Begging Libertarians to Quit, Part 2

On Sunday, I posted a story about a former GOP office holder in Texas who tried to persuade Libertarian candidates to quit so that the Republican party might win libertarian votes. There is a subsequent story in the Houston Chronicle reporting that the GOP house speaker, Tom Craddick, had similar conversations with LP candidates. Naturally,…

The Strong Libertarian Brand

Over at Reason‘s blog, Hit & Run, David Weigel contends that, all considered, the libertarian brand, so to speak, is strong. He’s right, of course, as Governor Mark Sanford tells Weigel, when being accused of being a libertarian: “I’m an unabashed conservative,” he told me, “and sometimes accused of being a libertarian, to which I…

The AP on Ron Paul’s Persistent Support

The Associated Press has a story on the impact of Ron Paul’s support on the McCain campaign. Many of his supporters still oppose McCain, and will be vocal for Paul at the Republican convention. Others will support Libertarian Bob Barr in the fall. It’s telling, and inauspicious for both McCain and Barr, that Ron Paul…

Incumbency over Good Ideas: Begging Libertarians to Quit

In Texas, the Austin American-Statesman reports that a former GOP state representative called two (or three) Libertarian party candidates, and asked them to drop out of legislative races, lest the siphon votes from the GOP and elect Democrats to office. I see nothing unlawful about asking another candidate to drop out of a race. I…